
Why do people sending bad Answers? just for 2 points ??

by Guest67017  |  earlier

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Why do people sending stupid Answers? just for 2 points ??

why do people sending stupid Answers? just for 2 points ?? shame on you ladies and gentlemen . If you don't have any idea about some thing , why would you trying to answer? huh ? It will add your stupidity points more .Intelligent people always listen , they speak very little . so please for 2 points don't show your stupidity.




  1. We're selfish. Selfishness defines humanity, in case you're not familiar with that aspect.  

  2. Yes , it is kind of stupidity .  

  3. maybe they just don't take this service as serious as you do...

    and don't mind them... you'll just be stressed....

    it is the responsibility of the intelligent folks to be under control when stupidity around lurks... You know what i mean? ^_^

  4. Because they are usually very bored,

    don't have a life,


    haven't a clue to the question,

    just to annoy other's,


  5. I sometimes answer questions with a bit of sarcasm, and I couldn't care less about points either!

    Most of the time I just try to answer a question to the best of my knowledge, but every once in a while there will be a question that just seems to beg for a funny or sarcastic answer, in such a case who am I not to oblige!

  6. i try to answer their question to the best of my knowledge, if it doesn,t suit them, then that,s their problem.

  7. why you are posting a qn which has no answers...

  8. I only answer questions I know the answer to. And this isn't really a question that you want answered, so why post it?

  9. because they are stupid prricksss who answer random questions they now nothing about to get more points and try and get to level 469.

  10. HA HA HA........... THANKS FOR THE FREE 2 PTS.......  

  11. Yeah it's annoying and stupid when people answer and just say "thanks for the points" and stuff...grr


  12. why do people 'sending' stupid questions with bad grammar?  

  13. Well, i'll be one of your examples. Learn some grammar. You should rephrase your question to 'Why do people send bad Answers? just for 2 points ??'

    Good day.  

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