
Why do people shake when they're scared??

by  |  earlier

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its weird




  1. I don't.

    Usually when panicking/scared I go really still, somewhat like a trapped animal.  

  2. Why do people shake when they are cold?  Sorry, I have no clue to either question.

  3. Most people shake when they are scared because of the "fight or flight" response engraved in our genetic code. Humans naturally have this response to danger or fear because it prompts us to take action when there is danger. Either "fight" or "flight", "flight" meaning to flee. This response is triggered by an increase of adrenaline, which quickens the heartbeat, alerts our senses, and makes us "shake".  

  4. lv2teach: we shake when we are cold because our body is making friction in order to keep our body warm. cummon, i mean isnt that kinda obvious??? as for shaking when we are scared, its what that other person said, its our flight fight mechanism.

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