
Why do people shoot up shopping malls?

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Why is it that innocents are massacred by losers and psychos who think that shooting up a mall will bring them fame and notoriety? Surely there are truly evil people in society that could be targetted by these "loner columbine type killers"? Why kill innocents? Why not kill guilty f***s released back into soceity or known terrorists?

i just don't see the logic behind lone wolf killers who target innocents. The killer of John Lennon for instance, why? Why not a visiting islamic terror leader at the UN or a radical communist party that is h**l bent on destroying the US constitution but they choose women and kids at shopping malls or schools?

well that's my rant.




  1. Interesting rant- you talk about all the random killings on the one hand, all of which have happened at the end of a firearm; on the other hand, you speak of people who are trying to "destroy the U.S. constitution" which, ironically, keeps a steady supply of weapons available and easily attainable for these losers and psychos you speak of! I would imagine that more intense detection of pending or existing mental illness, along with treatment and more stringent, conservative gun legislation, would probably put an end to it, or at least curtail it significantly. Funny how conservatives are generally "conservative", but when it comes to gun laws they tend to be extremely liberal...

  2. Because people are CRAZY!

  3. OMG I hate when people do that... i have raised shire horses for over 40 years.. and each time i hear about these things,, i'm like OMG OMG why did they do that.. like OMG not the mall... OMG

  4. I think it is because of what we all have just demonstrated; they think the whole world is against them and its is true we are they are the rejects of society the unloved and unwanted I worked at a prison and i know when inmates get out if hand they brake off all human contact life is real empty with no one at all to talk to and nothing to do i have watched them eagerly do work that i wanted no part of i think rejection is the hardest emotion for a person  to overcome and when it comes poring down like rain it can drive a person crazy. Don't get me wrong i am by no means on there side what they do is horrible but understanding is the key..When nobody cares about you for an extended period of time you begin to care for no one and then  to hate everyone most of all your self there are a lot of unloved people in this world that don't know that to be loved you must love others..

  5. Cause they are pathetic chicken s***s. For one reason or another their lives suck so they decide to take it out on innocent by standers who they know aren't prepared to defend themselves. What really getse me is they almost always end up killing themselves so they don't have to deal with the consequences why not skip the first step and just do that?

  6. Well, why the library??!! People study in there....those should be more people studying, but the killers are murdering them.

  7. They are not rational & they are not here to serve a purpose,other than their own.

  8. as the first person said, because they're crazy

    America needs better public psychological health programs and we could stop some of these from happening, but unfortunately, psychology is something that is looked down on by most americans.

    Squeak, below me, demonstrates my point.  You can NEVER understand what goes on in the mind of someone who is that unstable.  Yeah, their lives are miserable and they see no way out.  They can't even comprehend what it would be like to live a normal, fullfilling life.  This demented view on life drives them to the point of insanity.  

    We need to help people that are like this and stop them from getting to that point of no return.

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