
Why do people sleeptalk?

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Basically every morning my mom tells me that the previous night she woke up to my sleep talk/yelling (my room is directly across from hers). She says that im usually yelling at my sister when im sleeptalking. But she says I do usually every night. Im 16 too.. Why do I sleeptalk, and what is the cause?




  1. Do your sister usually p**s you off before you go to sleep?

  2. The event is common in childhood and may be caused by fatigue from a hard day's play or sleep lost the previous night.  It may also be related to anxiety.  Sometimes children who have never before experienced an episode of sleep walking will do so when faced with the possibility of a disruption in their family life.  Such disruptions may be because of a move, a divorce or the illness of a family member.

    Sleep walking in adults may result from similar causes.  It may also be because of some drug or medication or because of a mental problem.

  3. because you touch yourself at night

  4. I sleep brake dance. lol

    But seriously though, I used to sleep walk, but somehow I got over it.. I dont know how though. Its like i just stopped. My mom would tell me that she would catch me trying to leave the house. lol dont know where I was going to go..

  5. i have no idea wish i could help but there is nothing i can do maybe your are dreaming about your sister or something cause when i talk or yell in my s;eep its always my dreams


  7. DocJ420


    its the cause of to much on your mind then you fall to sleep

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