
Why do people slow down there car when talking on there cell phone?

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In California, you always know who is on the phone because they are going 50mph on a 65mph freeway. Do they think it is safer to slow traffic and make cars merge around them? IF you can't talk and drive on your phone, should you be allowed to drive and talk to someone sitting next to you?




  1. They are dumb and don't know how to multi-task.

  2. 1. No, going slower than the flow of traffic is a hazard and is grounds for a citation.

    2. Good question...Makes one wonder...Too many people seem to think that since they have a phone, it just has to be stuck in their ear...And they just have to have this conversation right now because the future of the free world depends on it...Since driving is one of the most boring things anybody can do, we have to have something else to occupy our time and keep us awake...And that is what all the fancy stereos, cd players, GPS and every other 'bell and whistle' are designed to do - help keep us awake and our eyes on the road.

  3. It just proves the adage;"you can't do two things at the same time and do either one well."

  4. It's not something they are intentionally doing.  They simply are not paying attention so before they know it their speed has dropped 10mph.

  5. because they are not paying attention, you shouldn't be allowed to talk on your phone in the car, we really need to crack down on this, i see sooooooo many stupid things

  6. In Calif., if I am not mistaken it is illegal to talk and drive?

  7. there stupid and shouldnt be on there cell phones erjgkhdfgj

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