
Why do people slow down when they see a cop pulled over with another person?!

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if the cop has his lights on and theres a car in front of him... he is not radaring.... stop slowing down!!!!!!!!

i dont get why people are so afraid. it drives me bananas also seeing people switching lanes so they arent by the lane at the edge where the cop is at




  1. Well, even though I admit it's annoying, it's a safety precaution. The cop, or anyone else involved, could get hit by a speeding car.

  2. Why don't you think about it for one second...Put yourself in a Police Officers point of view. how many times have you been texting or talking on your phone or even playing with your gps and you look up and your going off the road, now you have time to get back in your lane before you go off the highway but if someone is on the side of the road you will hit them. hmm smart!

  3. It's called common sense

  4. cos they think there gonna get done 4 speedin lol..n jus bein nosey of -course :)

  5. Because it's the law idiot! You have to pull one car length away if possible & slow your speed b/c cops kept getting hit.

  6. It is the law.  

    1.  You must (if possible and safe) change lanes to provide maximum safe distance between traffic and the police car.

    2.  Those lights light others are emergency lights.  You are required by law to at least slow down.  You can get a ticket if you do not.

  7. I have two reasons, hmm maybe three.

    My friend is a cop and he thinks its a sign of respect if you slow down because I know by me some cops have been hit by speeding cars when they are doing a traffic stop.

    Secondly, people see the cop and look down to realize they are speeding. So they slow down.

    Lastly, for some odd reason some people think they will get pulled!?! Obvious you're not because he's already got someone.  

  8. Blame it on Hollywood.   people have become so used to sensational police chases and traffic stops they can't help but stare to see if they can see one up close.   I agree though, stop slowing down all it does is tie up traffic for hours even after the cop is gone.

  9. they're either curious of what happened or they're so wimpy they don't want to get in trouble with the cop.

  10. If you drive you should know the answer. In my state you are to switch lanes or move over so as not to endanger the lives of the people on the side of the road. People will automatically slow down when they see a cop, it is just human nature to do so.   Poppy

  11. It's the Law, and if you have a License, you should know that.

    Here is just one State, but most have the same Law, with a few variations...

    "Overtaking and Passing a Parked Emergency Vehicle.

    (a) The driver of a vehicle that approaches a stationary emergency, fire, or law enforcement vehicle displaying flashing emergency lights on a highway or roadway

    (1) with two or more lanes traveling in the same direction, unless otherwise directed by law enforcement or emergency personnel, shall safely vacate the lane closest to the emergency, fire, or law enforcement vehicle; or

    (2) unless otherwise directed by law enforcement or emergency personnel, shall slow to a reasonable and prudent speed considering the traffic, roadway, and weather conditions.

    (b) A person who violates this section is guilty of

    (1) a class A misdemeanor if personal injury results from the person's failure to vacate the lane or slow as required by this section.."

  12. I always slow down and move to the lane opposite the stopped police officer. It provides an additional safety cushion for the police officer. It is a courtesy to law enforcement. You should always slow down when you see emergency lights behind or ahead of you....

    In fact, in the state of Florida it is the law to move over to the lane opposite and to slow down where law enforcement is stopped.

    Relax, slow down, be patient...hundreds of police officers are killed and injured each year by motorists speeding and hitting them on the side of the road during a traffic stop...

    It is a good safe habit to get into....

    Seems like you have no respect for traffic law and no common sense about safe driving!!!  It is only slowing you down for a second or so....relax!

  13. curiosity killed the cat..

  14. it depends on where u are at, like in tennessee it is the law u have to get in another lane or slow down if u don't u go to jail

  15. People are idiots.

  16. The first part I agree with but "it drives me bananas also seeing people switching lanes so they aren't by the lane at the edge where the cop is at"  this is actually the law in many states. "You must move over if its safe to do so"

    I want to know why people slow down when they are going down hill??

  17. if the car has a built in radar they can still clock you....they do pay attention to the cars that drive by. and if they been patroling long enough they can be pretty good at guessing who was speeding.... also its courtesy to slow down and get into the other lane(if its open). sometimes people dont pull over far enough and they are very close to the edge of the road.

  18. Here in Texas it's the law to slow down and move to the other lane..Too many officers have been hit by cars driving too fast and too close..The officer may have  to back away from the vehicle he has pulled over and if your driving right next to him you could hit him.It's called Good Defensive Driving.

  19. Because it is the law.  Several police officers have lost their lives being hit by people flying past them on the road while they have someone pulled over.  Being in the field of law enforcement for several years, and also being the wife of a Trooper, this is a very important issue for us.  We have lost several friends who were police officers and 3 of them were struck on the side of the road while they had people pulled over.  

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