
Why do people smoke and drink?

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i am doing a report for school. and it is really hard question i am asking. WHY DO PEOPLE SMOKE WEED. most of them say because they are bored.. but if u are bored and you want to waste your time with weed. you must have another reason. and also... why do people under age drink?




  1. People smoke weed and drink underage because they are weak minded sheep. They are weak minded because they actually are controlled by a substance and let it ruin their life. They also lack the intelligence to see what it has done to all of the other people who have done the exact same substances and actually think that they have supernatural willpower and can rip themselves from the iron grip of addiction any time they want. The reason they initially start these substances is because they are so pathetic as to believe that fitting in with their loser friends is the most important thing in life. In the end these are the men and woman who work at burger king their whole lives and only live for their addictions. At this point there is no need to even give them a name, the breath it would take to speak it is of more value then them.

  2. For me, it was a Rebel thing...kinda like getting into the Bars and NightClubs when I was underage...but the Bars and NightClubs aren't my scene anymore.

    Most people will outgrow this phase, but a few will never escape it.

    I've found other ways to be Rebellious and actually still move forward in life.

  3. When i drank for the first time at 14 i got the perfect amount of drunk and i did it just to try it to see what the hype was about and i was in Mexico with my family so i was safe even though they didn't know really i was just drinking with my brother  but my parents were near and they found out but they were pretty ok with it. After that fun experience i saw no problem in doing it again so now from time to time i drink at parties and ****. Later i smoked weed because i knew it was even less bad for you than liquor so i decided what the h**l ill take a few hits and the first time i didn't really get high, but i've been told that always happens so i did it again and i got high once again it feels great.  Its not really wasting your time its not like playing video games is a better use of time so i never saw doing weed or drinking as a bad thing as long as its only every once in a while.  Anyway so yeah when you feel safe and you don't think you are gonna have any trouble with addiction or the police and your parents you just try it based on what other people say. That was for me at least i know that everyone does **** for different reasons.

  4. Because they can!

  5. To get high and drunk.  People have wanted to do this since the dawn of humanity.

  6. They do it just to feel a buzz or high.

    Really nothing more than that.

    Oh except for the "cool" factor of course.

    Some people go drinking just to fit in.

  7. Weed relaxes a lot of people mellows them out and they laugh at everything making a lot of people more out going with friends. It gets them high, gives them and their friends something to do with each other, people have a good time high and feel as if they don't need to stress anything because it will all fix itself.

    Drinking underage well...makes them drunk, don't see straight, think straight, sometimes can't remember what happened the next day, and most think it leaves them unreliable on what really happened. They can do stupid things and blame it on the alcohol they can have a worry free fun time drinking with friends. All in all for those who don't have anything better to do but get f*cked up waste money and not remember anything.

  8. Well i can say from experience it is to get the feeling of euphoria. Like youre on top of the world. Unfortunately with Marijuana you come down you get hungry. Drinking you feel numb an you are more likely to do something that you wouldnt sober, like strip your clothes off and run naked through the streets. I think over all people do it to give themselves an escape from thier problems.

  9. because when you start, you just can't stop. your body craves it

  10. because its an easy escape from their problems

  11. we smoked weed to spice up our s*x life.. it made us extra horny and we had a great s*x!

  12. because they don't care about there selves

  13. Yeah, I think boredom is a big part of it. Many teens don't have enough to do. If they're smart they get into hobbies or something, but not everyone wants to do that. That changes when you grow up and have to deal with a job and kids. The thing is, I think that pot also creates the boredom, because it makes you lazy -- you just sit around listening to music and staring into space and feeling bored and stoned.

    But I don't think that's all there is to it. Some people say it makes them feel euphoric. Never did that to me, but who am I to argue.

    Drinking is somewhat different. Maybe some of it is boredom, but drinking is relaxing and it's also a social lubricant. Curiously, it can also contribute to boredom. People who drink heavily are sort of zombified and hung over all the time. Like pot smokers, they tend to get lazy and lose interest in things.

  14. I'm underage and i drink cuz what the heck else is there to do. its fun and everyone, i mean EVERYONE does it.  except some of the band nerds. ooo did i mention that its fun. o ya i said that already!!!

  15. people try it, get addicted. it helps some people calm down when they are stressed.

  16. because i want to have fun. leave your problems at home ... every weekend i go out so i drink and i smoke. i'm 15 and a party without alcohol is a party without me. when you were drunk one time you will do it again cause it's much more fun ! i smoke weed to relax. when i smoked i don't have so much problems or i don't see them. it's easier. it's the same with alcohol. i ignore my problems.

  17. Smoking or drinking is a way to release thoughts. When you smoke weed or drink there is a feeling you get that sort of relieves you from all the stress and kind of makes it seem like you're in another world where it's "worry free". It's kinda hard to explain. But mainly, people drink or smoke when they're stressed out, just want to try it out to see if it has a strong feeling to cover up their pain or whatever is bothering them.  

  18. it calms me down and keeps me relaxed i used to be a pretty angry guy but not any more

  19. you only live once. so the real question is why not?

  20. To have a temporary escape from a miserable world. Day after day of misery on this planet needs to be interrupted with the occasional crutch. Everyone has one. For some people it's a cheeseburger, for some it's weed.

  21. people smoke weed to escape. it's sounds very cliche, but it's true.

  22. well some people always say it feels good, i have personally done it and i belive it makes you forget worries and that because you are high and you think your in a different place. people are also giving weed for medical reasons.

    underage drinking its all for the kids who rekon are good and by the way underage drinking shows scientifically that kids under the age of 18 dont like alcohol wat so ever.  

  23. Weed makes everything feel new.  That's why people smoke weed.  I remember when I use to smoke weed, I would have so much fun just walking around the house.  I remember spending 10 minutes in the bathroom making faces in the mirror.  Then i chased the cats around the house like i was twelve years old or something, and then i ate a snack and watched p**n on the computer.  The p**n seemed really funny to me and i had probably watched the video a thousand times.

    and why do people drink?  Because it loosens them up.  It makes you have an attitude that's like "**** it, i don't give a **** anymore"

    btw the answers above me suck.

  24. About smoking, did you know that couple of centuries earlier doctors subsribed smoking has medicine 'cause they thought it helps to relas and lowers stress , untill  they've realized their mistake.

    People smoke besause they want to feel high....actually, we all want to be spirited and feel sublime and those who smoke weed kinda feel it for that couple of seconds i guess.

    About drinking, sometimes people don't like their life and they want to escape for a while so they take the easy way of drinking (and smoking) to kinda loosen up and feel good.

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