
Why do people so blindly fall for all the marketing and products out there, when businesses ONLY care about $?

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Everywhere you go, malls, restaurants, stores, any type of business, revolves around making money, and some are blatantly overpricing their products for marketing, or because they have some celebrity behind it, or something or another.

Yet everyone just swamps these businesses with profit, and they get rich off of our money.

And we end up in debt, broke, or god knows what because of it.

America has TURNED into a $$$$ worshipping country. It's evil ,and people have no care. They just go out there and worship the dollar at all costs.

Who made the gas companies rich in this country? we all did, we're all guilty of it.

Because of our own vanity, and the desire to own vehicles like Hummers, we made them richer than they needed to be.

Sure some of it is commute,

but many people live for pleasure rather than commute.

And these companies keep striving to make bigger and better products just to suck more money.

They give you toys, products, cars, that you REALLY don't need, and they encourage society competition and chaos, so that you get insecure, and go back to shop some more.

That's all this country is.

An insecurity and competition fest 24/7, caused by money making corporations, to confuse us and induce insecurity, so we go back and buy more.

It's an addition, a life long addiction.

Yet NO ONE sees this. The American population has no idea what's going on, and just keep falling for every trick in the book.

Is there REALLY a need for about 200 different versions of "hair gloss?"

OR about 500 different DESIGNERS?

or the excess of basically everything?


is there also a need to see a dentist twice a year or more, or an eye doctor or all of those other people so frequently? no.

It's all business and overhype. You can argue the doctor thing but it's true.

Even products with shelf lives, many outlast them, but they print them there as a safety net, and lots of it is just to get you to buy more in the case of cosmetics.

We're all suffering at the hands of evil and misleading corporations,

yet people don't care and worse yet,

"turn to God," thinking that some magical god is going to stop this.

LOL. It hasn't happened yet.




  1. I wouldn't call corporations "evil". They do marketing where perception is above reality. At least the profit motive is predictable and a good thing in capitalism. It's the politicians that say they want to 'help' you that's the real deception.

    Blame the hoards of the masses for believing a perception and ignoring reality.

  2. You can complain about the current situation, or you can try to do something about it. You cannot destroy the leviathan that is globalized free market capitalism. You will destroy yourself long before you even make a dent.

    The most you can hope for is to form a little enclave within it and stay true to your own ideals.

    There are enough people who know the solutions to the world's problems, but they are few, disconnected, and powerless.

    We know how to escape it. Grow your own food, reinvigorate your culture, advance science, educate your children and pursue art. It's going to be hard work, and there aren't many who can resist the siren song that big business sings.

    You have to start small, though. Bring people together and form something with your own hands. It's more effective and more fulfilling than standing on a soapbox with a megaphone preaching about the evils of the Almighty Dollar.

    After all, you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. :)

  3. That is how Democracy works!

    You sell stuff and turn a profit. It is an inevitable fact that someone will get run over in the process. There can be no gain without a loss somewhere else. There will always be an upper and a lower class though I can't speak for the middle...

    Go write a book. Sell it. :)

  4. we do it because they do a good job advertising and we see everyone else with the newest,best,fanciest,most experience and then that item goes from being a want to a need

  5. It's all about clever advertising. Companies use subliminal - and more obvious - messages to trick you into thinking you need their product. For example: if you buy ___, you'll be good looking like the model in the advert, have an amazing lifestyle like they do, or will be making some statement about your personality (e.g. intelligent people go to Starbucks, alternative people wear Converse shoes, etc.) It's all a load of bollocks, and you have to be very careful and aware of what information is going into your brain when you are exposed to advertising.

  6. There are really good businesses, and there are corrupt ones too, there are also churches that can be viewed as corrupt honey....but there are people that will take advantage of the consumer, because they have a product that they know we need, and will milk it for their own corporate greed, and this has been well known for a long time...doctors and hospitals, the worst...just take care of yourself, do your research, and use coupons if you have to..don't worry about the greedy ones, they will have to answer to an even higher power themselves, one day x

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