
Why do people <span title="smoke??????????????????????????????????????????????">smoke????????????????????...</span>

by Guest55654  |  earlier

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It's a terrible bad habit. There are groups, gum, mints, medications, patches and lots more to help people quit. Imagine all the tar in your lungs?? I don't even know how those people breath. I know people get addicted to it and "can't stop" but they could get help to stop. and it's so expensive. imagine how much money they would have if they didn't smoke and they put that money in the bank. they litter them all over, in the parking lot before they go into a store, out the window... it's disgusting to look at and smell.




  1. I understand ,but I am a smoker and have been for a very long time ,yes there are thins out there to help you stop smoking but some people can&#039;t take the stuff that really works ,me for instance,I have epilepsy and because of the type of epilepsy I have I can&#039;t take certain drugs and the best stop smoking products contain these or other similar components trust me I am hoping to find something to help me stop .I want to ,but cold turkey just isn&#039;t an option for me . and people who have never smoked [bless them] just don&#039;t get it .and I may sound like i&#039;m making excuses for myself but I&#039;m not meaning to . hope this helps you understand a little .p.s. yes it&#039;s gross and ,,no it&#039;s not cool  

  2. Smoke.. .

    -because they aren&#039;t fully aware of what could happen to them or they simply don&#039;t care

    -to cope mentally

    -their environment smokes (their family, friends, district, clubs, etc)

    -weight loss

    -their roles (actors)

    -to get time off work to go smoke...

    -because smoking makes your brain feel relaxed

  3. Everybody has there own reasons.  I started smoking last year after my 1year old niece was beaten to death to help cope with the pain. I dont smoke anymore though

  4. people who are addicted to cigarettes smoke them because they feel awful if they dont, but when the urge is satisfied they feel calm and relaxed.

  5. if your stressed a cig will help. but i dont know for sure cuz i dont smoke

  6. My dad smokes and I hate it. Besides the fact that it&#039;s killing him (he wakes up coughing every morning.. before he lights up that first cigarette), the smell sticks to everything. Even though he only smokes in his room, the whole house smells like an old hotel room cause the smoke drifts, and it sticks to my clothes and everything. I hate it.

  7. You know, most smokers know all this, and get this:they dont care. smoking makes them feel good and without their cigs, they&#039;d murder us all. so get over it and get on with your life.

  8. i am a smoker, and believe me i wish i weren&#039;t, and i have tried everything to quit, but i just don&#039;t have the will power to quit. I guess honestly if i REALLY wanted to i could quit, but it calms my nerves. I know it is a bad habit, and i am always paranoidthat i stink, but it is just so hard to quit.. I do know i would save lots of money if i quit, but like i said i guess i have just never made my mind up completely to stop.

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