
Why do people speak lise?

by Guest11013  |  earlier

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Why do people speak lise?




  1. Lise is Lisa in Denmark, so explain yourself?

  2. There are still some 20,00 people daily speaking Lise. Although that number is much reduced from the middle ages heyday of the Grand Duchy of Liseburg, it does represent a determination by some to ensure the continuation of the language.

  3. because they feel comfortable.

  4. lise? i think it is impossible to speak lise. lice are bugs and therefore aren't a bodily function. please don't sleep through another english class again.

  5. Did you transpose the "e" and the "s", meaning, "Why do people speak lies?"

    People tell lies

    1) to rationalize or justify their behavior

    2) to avoid punishment

    3) to obtain power

    4) to spare the feelings of others --"Yes, you look very pretty in that dress."

  6. I am unable to understand

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