
Why do people speed up and slow down constantly on the highway for no reason?

by  |  earlier

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I don't mean the speeding up and slowing down due to traffic but on open interstates with little traffic or slow downs. I like setting my cruise control at a constant speed but I always see cars speed by me then slow down and I pass them. This happens several times with several different cars doing it. All the while I am cruising at a constant speed. I don't see why they do that.

Don't they know that wastes so much gas?




  1. they get distracted and don't have their cruise on.... I also foujnd that by turning off the CC and letting the car slow up going up the hill, I get better gas mileage...

  2. They just aren't paying attention. Just because you pass the drivers test does not automatically make you a good driver. It just means you can pass the test. Most people that drive do not know or care what makes a car run. Read some of the questions on here and you will realize that. Half don't even bother to read their owners manual.

    The only thing you can do is try to be more tolerant towards them. Very few drivers out there are intentionally trying to p i s s you off exclusively. It's just the way things are.

  3. cause people are mindless stressed out robots... oh and they dont want to run over that leaf that blew across the road!

  4. Maybe they're not paying attention.

    Maybe the road is hilly and they, unlike you, do not have cruise control..

    Maybe it's this which refutes your claim that it wastes gas.

  5. ok man..u sound like a smart man so i will let u oin on a little secret that all smart people already know but is seldom mentioned


  6. cuz they are stupid, disrespectful, i dont care about anyone but myself americans...heres my favorite, blow you off the road to pass, then turn!!  Or how about when you are the only 2 cars on the road and they tailgate....heres what i do...slow down to about 35...some wont learn though, like a toad in a pot of slow boiling water, they sit there to the end!!!

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