
Why do people speed up on the freeway only to brake immediately after? Doesn't this waste gas?

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I notice this style of driving on the freeways of southern california all the time. People speed, brake, and waste more gas because they have to accelerate alot more to get back to speed. My style of driving is not to tailgate and have a good gap between me and the other driver. I just let go of the gas when the car in front slows down a little. I saves my brakes and saves me alot of gas.. What do you guys think?




  1. They need to stay close to the car in front so no one cuts in front of them.

  2. My profession is driving, I see this day in and day out in So Cal, I try to drive at an even pace and leave plenty of room in front of me.  The drivers that act like speed racers are not only wearing there cars out twice as fast as normal but they cause a lot of stress and distraction for the other drivers on the road and in turn cause accidents and traffic backups, i just laugh and think my car will last twice as long and i will use use the extra money for nice vacation.

  3. I thank you for being a wise driver.    You get there with less fuel used,   less brake lining wasted,  and in a calmer frame of mind.

    We can't help the stupidity of others,   we can only try not to get caught up in it.

  4. hey i do that too, but i have noticed that people do cut in front of you. and i hate that especialy when they cut close to you. but yeah i dont like to tailgate. i think thats stupid i pretty much leave a big gap try to stay on one lane and try to say at 60mph.

  5. I used to live in Charlotte,NC and I would see this all of the time. My favorite is when they would speed up when the light was red. Speed up to get to the intersection only to have to slam the brakes and wait anyway. I usually would catch up with them. I would just laugh to myself and think what a huge waste. Why??  It's not like they got there any faster.

    edit: It sounds like they aren't paying attention.  People that brake because they are too close to another driver irk me and I usually try to get away from them. I won't drive behind them unless I'm stuck and then I'll just slow down to increase the distance between us.

  6. Yeah, that drives me crazy, I drive like you, its not only better for saving petrol, it also saves your brakes and its much safer too, good on you and dont change for anyone!

  7. I've noticed this same thing over a good many years of driving. you are right it does waste gas and brakes, its just one of those things people do without thinking.

  8. People also race maniacally to be the first to get to the red light and wait.

    It's a psychological thing.  These are the same people whine and moan about not being able to afford to feed their kids on account of the price of gas.  Go figure.

  9. What they are doing does waste gas and what you are going is correct and safe, good job......

  10. They are busy talking on their cell phones or shaving or eating a sandwich or drinking coffee or reading the paper or putting on make-up. Doing everything except driving the car, truck , bus or whatever.

  11. Cause they're idiots without common sense who apparently have somewhere so important to go and have to save that 1 second by not leaving a gap.  

    Not only does it waste gas, uses up the brakes faster, causes accidents, but interestingly it's been proven to cause traffic backups on the highway.  

    When someone drives too close and has to break when a car cuts off someone and makes them break, the car behind also breaks, it's natural to overcompensate and break just a little harder than the car in front, so then the car behind that one breaks a little harder, pretty soon about 30 cars back traffic is at a dead stop, all because one dumbass in a car in front tapped on the break.

    If only everyone would relax and drive like you.

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