
Why do people speed up very close to you almost as if they are about to hit you then cut you off??

by  |  earlier

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is this a new trend? i see this happening all over roads and hwys nowadays.




  1. They are STUPID. you knew that.

  2. They are ignorant oafs that don't have a clue about proper driving technique. The biggest issue is that they see nothing wrong with it. And as the roads get more crowded we are going to see more of it.  

  3. I think these actions are copy-catted from NASCAR.  You see it all the time on the track. "I gotta be in front of you and if you don't move, I'm gonna stay right on your bumper" (so I can win).  Monkey see, monkey do.

    It is strictly an ego and attitude thing.  Drivers not realizing that when we are behind the wheel, we weigh over 1000 lbs and have over 100 hp under our right foot.  But more importantly, the vehicle is me with all my emotions and attitudes and feelings influencing how I operate my vehicle.  If I am not in control of me, there is not way I can control my vehicle.

  4. I agree with the common sentiment expressed by most of your responders.  In addition, if you didn't "claim ownership" of the passing lane yourself then other drivers wouldn't have an opportunity to menace you then cut you off.  Road courtesy works both ways.  Lets all be civilized and courteous to each other on the road!

  5. Drives me nuts too. I guess they feel that the closer they get the faster you will drive or if they get up close enough to you they will have more of a chance in passing you.  

  6. People are in a big hurry, now more then ever. Plus people love to take out their aggression on other drivers. The speeding people are probably thinking, "AHHH why do these @*!!#&$ jerks on the road drive so slow!!??!!" While the person being tailgated is thinking, "What's the &#%@ is this dudes problem!!!??!!"

    People turn insane when they drive!

  7. Because they think they own the road and you are in the way.

  8. It’s not a new trend, its called stupidity “the lack of understanding the rules of the road”....

  9. You are driving too slow in the wrong lane.  I hate when people drive slow in the passing lane.  This lane is for passing, if you aren't passing get out of the lane.

  10. It's called Intimidation

    People think they own the road.

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