
Why do people spend so much money on materialistic things?

by Guest63953  |  earlier

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Like mansions and sports cars? Would you rather spend your money on material or for enjoyment? I would rather spend money doing things to add to my experience than to spend money on a big house to show off or something.




  1. because is a materialistic world

  2. That's just it: your EXPERIENCES have allowed you a level of understanding about life that others have not (possibly).  With better understanding of options and possibilities within life, one is better equipt to--for example--choose using his/her money to build schools and hire properly-trained educators in Costa Rica as opposed to buying the biggest flat screen TV in the US.

  3. Mansions...I don't get that either, but fast cars are an experience...if you drive them well.

  4. Mansion and sport cars????...How about kids in school..instead of getting education they worry 24/7 about how they look..They need to have the most expensive shoes, clothes, and that is todays american culture...People at the end just want to be accepted...Its called having a "personality".

  5. I spend money to help the needy

  6. Habits and patterns ingrained from birth through our families and society and culture...we therefore tend to externalize the need to fill ourself...since we have a void or empty feeling inside.

    The truth is that we are never empty...we are spiritual beings inhabitating a physical body and be re-connecting with our spirit we can connect with the universal energy source of love and abundance trhough prayer, meditation, contemplation and our is simply a way to find true internal materialism.

  7. Because these "things" fill a void for so many. It is a lot easier to be materialistic than it is to look inside of ones soul.  Unfortunately, so many people subscribe to the images created by the media and feed the greed of those in power.  I'm not judging that...nor do I envy those who live life this way.  It seems empty, to me, unless they are able to truly love themselves and others.

  8. Because it is impossible to spend money on spiritual things.  You can, of course, give all sorts of money to religious charlatans like televangelists.  But they in turn will spend it on material things while telling their followers that they are doing the Lord's work.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  9. Who is to say that the people who are spending their money on sports cars and mansions don't derive enjoyment from that.  It is their call as to what qualifies for enjoyment.  Don't fall into materialistic envy...   nobody deserves their possessions more than the person who owns them.

  10. I think we are all guilty of spending money on stupid things. I know I am but I try my hardest not to be materialistic but in the society that we live in the value of the dollar is praised and the value of a man is net worth. Its sad that we as humans have starving people in this world but have millionaires who buy million dollar paintings. Not really an answer just my point of view.

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