
Why do people spin out on snowy roads when they drive?

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I can go from point "A" to point "B" without crashing my car. What is wrong with people?




  1. lack of skill and poor equipment are the reasons, along with a dash of conceit and impatience.

    as much snow as we get in michigan people amaze me with their lack of concern for themselves and others.

    if you do not have the right tires or good tires, then you aren't going to do much.

    i remember seeing a picture of a vw beetle having to be pushed by two men in atlanta. i had seen those things with snow tires on them going thru 18 inch snowfalls in germany.

    oh yeah, in atlanta, they had one inch of snow. the picture was on the front page of the army times.

  2. some people just don't have the experience that winter driving demands.

  3. First, a vehicle cannot slow down and stop rapidly.

    Remember, everything slows down. On dry roads, automobiles depend upon their brakes to reduce their speed and fiction between the tires and the road to reduce their momentum and stop.

    On snow-covered roads there is significantly less fiction between the tires and the road, and therefore it takes longer for the vehicle to lose its momentum and come to a complete stop.

  4. Well, most people feel way to confident in their "four wheel drive machine" but actually it doesn't really make a difference when you going 50. Another reason may be because they aren't experienced enough to not over correct their mistakes.

  5. they go too fast.  Or there is no traction.  I have been slow and cautious and still started spinning. Sometimes it just happens.

  6. Alot of the time its people with no experience who do that or no experience driving on the snow. or people who are hesitant and scared and react to every "little" thing when its nothing and cause accidents like that.

    I dont get it either.

    My bf and I when we drive we make fun of stupid drivers, not all the time just when we  see something really lame. I mean its common sense in most cases. And there are just people that DONT get it. And that blows me away.  

    Other day i was in traffic i mean bad bad bad. i thought ok HUGE accident up a head. maybe someone died or injured badly cuz nothing was moving for a while the freeway looked like a parking lot. I get to the scene 2 cars hit bumpers no damage what so ever. cars PERFECTLY drivable. there in the lane right next to the carpool lane. And the 2 parties R standing outside there cars IN THE MIDDLE OF RUSH HOUR traffic exchanging information. I was blown away at how stupid that was. They were acting like it was a crime scene. i couldnt believe that. I had to call my brother and tell him I told him what is this world coming to people are just so lame.

  7. Not everyone is a good driver like you and me

  8. too much gas, not enough traction

  9. So can I.

    Plain and simple-it's called "Driving too fast for conditions."

  10. It has been my experience with new drivers and some experienced drivers as well, that most "OVERSTEER'.....during dry summer road conditions on paved roads, a driver will probably get away with oversteering or swerving......but when you take that into higher speeds and lack of traction due to rain, gravel, sand remaining on the roads in the Spring thaw and of course SNOW covered roads, these drivers may at least skid into a ditch, or tragically cross a center median or line or end up in front of a larger vehicle in the lane next to them and either die or kill someone else.

    Snowy roads, heavy rain, gravel and sand on the road all require a combination of less speed, mental acuity as to the mechanical abilities and limitations of the vehicle (tires, brakes, steering control, shocks, etc), as well as the experience and skill level of the driver.....

    Therefore, drivers SHOULD exercise some self-discipline during these road conditions.....and.....

    1. reduce speed

    2. increase following distance

    3. be aware of what is happening on all 4 sides of your vehicle at all times.

    4. brake BEFORE turns, (to a manageable speed).....not while turning.. oh yes, check that speedometer too,  before you begin your turn...huh.....

    5. look where you want the car to go, not unlike walking along the sidewalk, or riding a bike..........your hands follow your eyes.....driving is visual.

    6. don't oversteer or swerve........keep your lane changing as straight as possible, (don't beging to make your lane change while shoulder checking as this will make you steer more severely because you are looking back), looking well ahead into the lane you intend to enter (yes,  your hands follow your eyes).....

    Fortunately or unfortunately as it may be, we all have to babysit one another while we drive to keep ourselves and others safe on the roads.......

    Developing safe habits is best.......when an emergency manoeuver is necessary you will revert to what ever habits you have developed...........

  11. They are mostly stupid and un-cordinated.  Some are also too cheap to get their car properly maintained.

  12. Because people overestimate their driving ability.

  13. There are a small percentage of people in this world who can correctly operate a motor vehicle in all conditions. This leaves the rest of the world, where improper vehicle maintenance, incorrect driving methods, ignorance of adverse weather conditions, medical or physical limitations, selfish or aggressive  driving, or just plain unawareness can all contribute to the problem you've mentioned.

    Unfortunately, the DMV does nothing to weed these people out. The best thing you can do is when you notice these people, get as far away from them as possible.

  14. A. Don't know how to drive in snow

    B .Don't know how to drive

    C. Driving too fast

    D. Talking on phone while driving in snow.      

    E. Trying to make "Donuts" on the highway

    F. Don't know how to drive.

    G. Are  a--holes.

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