
Why do people spread misinformation?

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Shouldn't we be trying to advance people in society and culture as a whole? Why do people lie, spread rumors, ideas, and thoughts in mass culture that are detrimental to human beings as a whole.

I don't mean simple anger, or fear, I mean more corrupt ideas and marketing that guide people's thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Many times, these ideas are based in false truths, and in negative outcomes. I propose the popularity of fast food restaurants, when we all know that fast food is NOT a solution to food in people as a whole, and in many times results in poor populations being malnourished and unable to contribute to society successfully. However, the popularity f these ideas means that many people are left to survive off of these institutions.

Why do people intentionally spread this misinformation?




  1. Read "Fish are such liars".

  2. Because most information from major media sources are propaganda,lies and they dont they dont report things they should.

    As far as your commentary on the fast food thing ...The major companies are very powerful and rich...their goal is to spread their poison all over the world and have as many people hooked on it as possible....hence sickness,overweight ect...look at countries like China,and many in Europe ...The U.S way of eating is spreading all over the world

  3. This isn't the philosophy section. What you consider misinformation is known in the real world as facts.

  4. Clov...I fight misinformation on different forums on the web constantly.  I have tried to educate people as best I can (I am in a good place to do so, lol, I am an adjunct college teacher), about responsible researching.  Among things that our college will not accept is youtube and WIki without at least two reliable back up sources.

    I do agree that the government spreads misinformation as well.  If you educate yourself, always have a questioning mind, look for website SPONSORS, learns to read between the lines, and check multiple sources, you may get close to the truth.

    Don't be part of the problem though, be a responsible answerer or emailer.  Check your stories first.  And do not forward nonsense.

  5. they are sickos.

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