
Why do people spread virus and harmfull code?

by  |  earlier

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Why do people spread virus and harmfull code? what do they get out of it? Why do sick people collect virus and swap them and build them and victims get hit and all thier hard work gets trashed and then they have to spend hours fixing it.

Worse case a pc gets broken and passwords get stolen and in the blink of a eye the victim looses all their online work like email and possibly have their identity stolen.

So why do people do it?

This day and age anti virus are useless against newly programed virus so basicly people are sitting ducks.




  1. i know right, people have no lives in order to ake other people miserable with viruses -_-

  2. Why do people rob stores? Why do people mug other people? Why do people steal? For money of course. And your last statement wasn't necessarily true. Programs like AVG have regular updates and keep up with the latest infections. You're only a sitting duck if you don't protect your self...    

  3. They have no lives, and this is how they get their kicks, sorry to say, but that's my opinion on it.  And also, there's some people that are trying to make money and collect personal information by installing trojans on your computer.

  4. its part our fault. people get viruses from trying to get things that are almost imposable to obtain like Hannah Montana nude pics , free downloadable cartoon p**n , free games, lime wire, or other stuff we think we can jest download for free. we jest keep chasing it until we are willing to do any thing to get it. its because of this my computer's hard drive needed to be erased twice. people also do this for money out of credit card numbers stored in a hard drive.

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