
Why do people squint when they cant see? wouldnt that make it harder as there is less space to see out of?????

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Why do people squint when they cant see? wouldnt that make it harder as there is less space to see out of?????




  1. no idea mate good question though

  2. Squinting helps you to focus.

  3. Squinting would reduce the amount of light hitting your eyeball,so your iris would open up,allowing more of that light in.Not quite the same as a camera lens.A camera iris closing down improves the resolution of the picture,but the shutter must stay open longer to allow enough light through to form the image on the film. Human eyes dont have a shutter,can someone else explain this, am confused now.

  4. Squinting makes for better focusing. It's like closing down the aperture on a camera lens. Nearsighted people can see almost normally without glasses when looking thru a pinhole (as long as there is enough light). ☼

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