
Why do people start smoking?

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I know that people smoke, and get addicted...But for some people it takes more than 1 cigarette to get addicted..Why do they smoke more than one cigarette if it supposedly tastes bad? ((And please, don't answer something like "Ewww smoking is gross)) -.-




  1. It doesn't taste that bad. Not for most people, anyway. Still, I don't think anyone would do it for the taste. But nicotine, the drug that people smoke for, is pleasurable. Nicotine causes the body to release epinephrine and norepinephrine, dopamine, the brain's reward chemical, and endorphins and enkephalins, which are natural opiates. So smoking creates euphoria, confidence, satisfaction, sociability, makes things fun, and mellows you out.

    It can take a while to get the hang of it but some people get these effects from the first puff and they know right away that they're going to be smokers. At the opposite extreme, some people don't have the receptor sites that nicotine binds to and they don't get any pleasure out of it or get addicted to it. Needless to say, they don't become smokers.

    In my case, I didn't really like it much at first but I saw other kids smoking and they were obviously getting something out of it so I stayed with it a while until I got the hang of it, and then it was like my hair was on fire -- everything in my life got a lot more pleasurable. And unlike alcohol and pot, which have some of the same effects, it doesn't impair you. So you do it because it makes you high and eventually you become addicted and have to smoke.

  2. I started smoking at 18 because I thought it made me look older. Now 40 years later I'm still hooked. What a waste of money.

  3. actually one cigarette can get you addicted. It makes a certain part of your brain grow larger, and in some people it can do this after the first smoke.

  4. People start smoking for a variety of reasons.

    I can only say what led me to start smoking. I waited tables all through college and if you had all your tables taken care of and grabbed something to drink for 5 seconds and a manager saw you standing with a drink in your hand they would yell at you to get back on the floor. But.. if they saw you standing smoking a cigarette they would say "oh, you're smoking, nevermind" and walk away. I honestly started smoking out of spite - I just wanted to take a minute break here and there when I honestly had everything under control. It's a terrible reason, but it's the truth. That was 26 years ago - not my finest moment.

    I've also quit smoking more times than I can count. I'm fantastic at quitting. I'm terrible at staying quit for longer than 8 or 9 months. And only the first one or two taste bad, especially if you've dated smokers which a lot of people have.  

  5. its cool 2 somke wen ur 15 and all the older kids r doing it thats why i started im 24yrs old now

  6. Basically to relieve stress

  7. I started smoking at 16 (I'm now 21).... because of peer pressure and I actually didn't mind the taste but I'm still not addicted. I quite smoking for months at a time with no problem... I just smoke socially and to me I actually like the taste of some cigarettes.

  8. i like the way they taste

  9. People also tend to believe that they can stay or become thin if they smoke, so even if it tastes bad, they keep doing it.

    Also, they may try it a second time to make sure they really didn't like it the first time...and that could be what ultimately draws them into it.

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