
Why do people stereotype single parents? Or any type of parent, for that matter?

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Mrs Wu, this question is directed mostly towards you, but anyone else who has any insight is more than welcome to answer this question!!!

Stereotyping someone is a really terrible thing to do. Yes, some single parents aren't the worlds best parent, but neither are married parents, grandparents, foster parents, adoptive parents. It's not a group that you can classify as terrible parents, it's the parent themself.

Why do people feel the need to put others down? To make you feel better about yourself? I don't understand?

The questions slamming single parents ticked me off yesterday, but today I find them amusing.

But I was just honestly wondering, that's all. Have you had a bad experience with a type of parent (single, married, whatever) that has given you a bad taste in your mouth towards all of those types of parent? If so, tell me your story. I'm interested. :)




  1. I think unfortunately, there will always be people putting down other people, this is just human nature.

    As far as I'm concerned, I don't see anything wrong with single parents, on the contrary, they work harder than parents who share responsibility to provide for their kids. I'm the "results" of growing up with a single parent and turned out pretty well I have to say. ;)

    I attach a few links that have interesting info on single parenting, with some facts as well.

  2. lol, Im not familiar with Mrs Wu, but I totally agree with you. I know several single parents...whether because of choice or because of tradgedy ( death of a partner) and they are absolutely wonderful doting parents and I happen to know a married couple where the dad is a raging alcoholic and the mom does nothing but yell and cry all the time...I feel so sorry for their children. It has NOTHING to do with whether a person is married or not. Im a very loving, strong, caring woman and that wont change whether I happen to be married or single ( I am married though) There are all kinds of stereotypes about single parents, bottle feeding moms, working moms, ect.... I have gotten plenty of rude judgemental comments because Im not breastfeeding, but no one bothers to ask WHY...they dont know that I was hospitalized four days after I left the hospital with a horrible infection and they dont know that I could not breastfeed even though I wanted to. People should butt out of other peoples lives becasue they dont know the circumstances that put them there.

  3. I agree with LUCKY...I think it is someone trying to get a rise out of us....and it's working so well I'm sure whomever it is they will eventually get bored and go away....

    As far as the Whole single -parent issue goes I have been a Single parent for 13 years (widowed at 32) I chose NOT to re-marry. My husband was and is the Love of My Life from the time I was 17.  But I am now the mother of 2 teens (14 and 17) and 1 almost Teen, my youngest will be 13 on September 10th. It hasn't been an easy road as a Single Parent but I know I have done a DARN Good Job..they are all Respectful,Responsible (as any Teen can Loving,Kind and Good...they maintain excellent grades and are Socially as well as Athletically Active, they are well-liked...especially by ME~~Aloha and Blessings to All...But a Special Blessing to ALL of you Single Parents..Moms and Dads~~

  4. I honestly believe that person is just trying to push buttons and get a rise out of people.  It might just be a kid with nothing better to do.

  5. I try my best not to judge people and try to get to know them first before I make up my mind about their character and whether or not they are a good parent, etc. What bothers me most that seems to be the norm among the kinds of people that my in-laws know are the friends they have that ends up caring for their grandchild as if they were their own children. The parents are split up, one leaves the other and leaves the child behind for the parents to care for. Immaturity and selfishness on those people's part. They bring a child into this world, instead of taking full responsibility and providing care and love for the child they kick the child to the curb and only come around when they feel like it. I see these children and I can't help but feel so sorry for them because they aren't loved by their own parents, but the more I think about it, they are better off with their grandparents since they are well taken care of.  

  6. My doctors consider me a single parent even though I have a boyfriend who is going to help support me. I havent had the baby yet but time is going by sooo fast omg

  7. My Mom was a much better parent single and honestly we were all scared of my Dad... he was an unpredictable alcoholic! I don't think anyone has a right to judge. You don't know a family's situation until you walk a day in their shoes.  

  8. That person infuriates me.......which is exactly what she tries to do! Such ignorance!

    I have taught hundreds of children, some of the most amazing and memorable come from single parent homes........some from "traditional" homes. Some of the most hateful children I remember come from very well to do "traditional" families......some from the poorest. Some of the most sensitive children come from single parent homes......some from "traditional" homes. Some of the most abused children come from "traditional" homes......some from single parent homes.........It all boils down to good parenting....PERIOD! It matters not if they were raised by both parents, grandma, auntie, mom, dad........good parenting will always shine through!


    Please read that question and the answers. Not only was i extremely irate by the question but i was apalled some of the answers from "single moms" putting down married moms. Im so sick of the single mom, working mom and spanking issues Im tempted to just start blocking everyone who is trolling for a fight. Its too bad a lot of the real parents on here are as big of trolls on these topics as the kiddies making up questions. If you cant learn tolerance and kindness dont bother answering or asking a question. if you havent walked in someone elses shoes dont question their parenting skills. Its simple common sense and human decency. Its too bad a lot of "good moms" forgot that.

    EDIT: Wow Candie can welcome herself to my blocked users as well. that rudeness is uncalled for by any adult.

  10. I think people like Wu are very insecure, afraid and JEALOUS that single moms can perform the most difficult task in this world - being a parent.  

    And the fact that children can thrive just as well in a single parent household as a two parent household is something someone as weak and scared as Wu can never understand.

    She is very ignorant.

    And to answer your question, no, I have never gotten that bad of  a taste in my mouth and decided to judge an entire group of people because I may not ''agree" with the way a certain person decides to live their own life.

    As long as it doesn't involve me or my son, the way one person decides to live is their business.

    I have my own life and problems.  So I'm not as petty as Wu with the singling out of certain folks.

  11. She's probably your Thumbelina w/ a new profile.  That, or just plain ignorant and thrives on drama.

    I think she's my new Thumbelina, I feel so special  ; )

    ETA:  I would bet money Candie and Ms. Wu are the same person, notice how that profile was created today?  In fact, I guarantee she created the profile JUST to answer your question.  Now, don't you feel special?!

  12. I don't know why these stereotypes exist. I have every respect in the world for single parents. Parenting isn't easy period, but I imagine it is 10 times more difficult when 1 parent has to be mommy and daddy. I know many horrible parents who are married (quite a few of them in my and my husband's family).

  13. I think those people are just ignorant and think that the unknown is the wrong way to raise children... Any one of those "married" mommies ( I am married myself) could become a single parent any day.. . accidents happen, husbands leave...etc.  Being a parent of any kind is a hard job and every day you face new challenges. I think people should look at both sides of the fence and not take what they have for granted and just be happy with what they have and worry about their own families.  

  14. good question. I was thinking today briefly about how a single mother that is pregnant and excited about it, is looked down on, but a married mother than does not want the baby is not looked down on for being pregnant. It is the same as a single mother who has excellent parenting skills (like me, lol), while many married people scream and yell all day and are miserable and raise their kids that way. Which home would you rather be raised in as a child?

    I know for myself, that I would rather be raised in the happy and peaceful home.  

  15. It's funny to me how some people think a gold ring on your finger instantly makes you a more fit parent.

    LOL Nina...she probably is your thumbalina.

    I'm guessing that Mr. Wu has been diddling the single mom at the bus stop for months now...and Mrs. Wu is just p***ed off about it.

  16. I have been giving this a bit of thought myself and I have decided stereotyping is a natural human response.  The world is a huge, diverse place and being able to put things into little boxes makes it a little less scary.  It is impossible, and I think unnatural, for humans to not pre-judge things.  It's not the pre-judging that is offensive, it's the assumption that you can be rude about it.  We should all accept that we pre-judge and we are pre-judged by others, but as evolved humans we need to recognize our faults and not be a slave to our natural instincts.

  17. I must've missed all the drama yesterday. But, I do agree with you 100%. I believe it has everything to do with the parenting, and nothing to do with whether or not they're single or married or whatever. I've met my share of awesome parents and horrible parents. I've noticed absolutely no connection with them being single or not. There are married couples who I feel do not handle things properly with their children and there are single parents whom I feel the same way about. Then, there are married couples that are doing a great job in my opinion, and there are single parents that are doing the same. You see what I'm getting at? LOL

    Now, I don't know what makes people "stereotype" anyone into any category as I was not raised to think that way. These are the reasons that I'd like to be able to get into someone's head and see exactly how they think.

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