
Why do people still believe in God?

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I mean, science keeps tearing religion a new a*****e every day. The more and more our science advances the less and less religion makes sense.

Why is Jesus or Muhammad any different than Zeus or Thor or the Easter bunny?

Don't people know that when we die we go back to the same state as we were before we were conceived by our parents?




  1. FEAR...its all fear about going to h**l

  2. For the same reason they voted twice for that moron Bush and some are going to vote for the McCain clown as well,  PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

  3. because some people are retards

  4. Yawn....  Scientists have climbed the mountain of data only to find theologians waiting for them at the top.

    You do know that the absolute denial of God (the infinite) by the finite (that would be you) is quite absurd right?  You might as well just admit you are ignorant and call yourself an agnostic.  Only problem is that God says what can be known about God is evident to people.  You are between a rock and a hard place.

    Why Jesus?  Because there is more evidence for the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead than for any other personal act in ancient history.

  5. faith. anything you believe in involves faith.  

  6. Jesus Christ is God.His tomb is empty.His birthday splits time: BC / AD

      He is alive!!!

  7. True science is a blessing and does not in any way contradict God.  False science is a deception of Satan.  Reliable science has never hurt Christianity, nor can it.

    Jesus is the Son of God, sent to be the propitiation of the sin of the world.  There is no other - not Muhammad and not mythical like Zeus et. al.

    No, I don't know that.  I DO KNOW that when I die, my spirit and soul will immediately go to be with my Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Finally, how do you KNOW you will go back to bits and pieces of dirt and chemicals?  Have you tried it yet?  Do you have first-hand, experential knowledge?  No?  Too bad.  I have first-hand, experential knowledge of the saving power of God's grace!  God's trump beats any deuce (humanistic thinking).

  8. I believe it's because it's so deeply instilled in people that they will never let it go. It's like a safety net for many people and it just feels right. They don't have to worry about death. Which would be amazing. Back to the instilled, if people said raping children had no bad effects on children and was good for health, I still wouldn't do it. It's so deeply ingrained in me that I would never go against it.  

  9. There is a payoff. An atheist has to accept responsibility for his actions. A religious person has to make the same decisions, but he prays first. If things go well, he must give the glory to god, but if things go wrong he can say "It's got nothing to do with me. God must have other plans for me."

    Ideal for fearful people and those with fragile egos.

  10. Science is just another tool of the devil to keep people in the dark.Seems to be working for him.

  11. Because I'm so awesome I can string religion and science together without conflict?

  12. I can't really explain it well.  

  13. Religion is the foundation of faith which is the idea of living in blissful ignorance.. the idea that faith is accepting the unknown, As long as people can hold on to this miserly concept they can turn their hopes to this uncertain deity and their lives and after life. The power of science is rebuked by an accepted ignorance. they believe we need help for we fail to c their misguided light. Either way its much more welcoming that we go to heaven rather than being cast off into nothingness when we die ._.

    We die and that is it or we go to heaven. which would u rather believe even though ur logic says otherwise...

  14. No matter what science tries, it will never find real purpose or meaning for our existence.

  15. When the going gets tough, to believe that there is someone, some higher power, or cosmic influence or magic or whatever; is keeping an eye on the situation, is watching you, will be fair: to believe that will give you the emotional strength to go on and get thorough that situation without going mad.

    When you are struck in a dark forest, and you think you see a light and start walking towards it in a straight line, you will eventuaaly reach somewhere. Whether the light is actually there or is a figment of your imagination, doesn't really matter, does it? Because it's far better than stumbling alone in the dark, pointless and directionless.

  16. Because silly person people need to believe in something... if you don't than why would you even get up everyday? It doesn't matter what you believe in most people are just so very afraid of the idea that after they die this is it...that they wouldn't be able to go on without a "god" to look to for help.

    And look as a practicing wiccan I'm not saying bow down to lord almighty but it keeps some people doing good things and being better people than they would be without it. I mean granted you could argue the amount of people who have died in the name of a certain "god" but hey you take the good with the bad.

    It's about having something to believe in. To look forward to. So that were not as scared to die. Makes since. And if you don't buy the ummm traditional religion find one that fits you, one that feels right.

    And FYI I believe in Thor and Zeus so don't go lumping them in with crazy made up people :)

  17. Faith. I don't even care to listen to the science. It's just Satan using it to plant doubts of seeds in our heads and turn us away from God.

    I'll just go on with my life, loving God and staying true to Him. It doesn't matter what anyone says. You can't explain God with "science" or factual things. He is God! As a Christian, I live by faith and not by sight.

  18. deep down they do. But its reassuring to believe in a higher power looking after you. Theres no doubt that life is hard and painful, and that faith helps people get through it. Believing in god helps soothe the horrors of life.

  19. faith dude, it's the reason.

  20. Simply beats the h**l out of me.

  21. Because He still me and millions of others.

    He is the Alpha and the Omega....the beginning and the End.

    He is the   I AM THAT I AM.    He lives.

    Praise His Holy Name.

    EDIT:  87% of American believe in God.

                44% are Born Again.

    You hold a minority viewpoint.

  22. You should ask scientists and doctors that question because the majority of those intelligent people believe in God.

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