
Why do people still buy into the man made global warming lie?

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With Glacers in California getting bigger,Antarctica growing each yr. Earths avg temperature over the last 8 years is lower then the previous 8 years, seems to me that its nothing more then a big lie to take away more of our liberties.




  1. It is because they suffer from liberalism.

  2. Apparently they suffer from from a psychiatric delusion known as "climate change delusion".

    Now the symptom is known, hopefully the believers will start getting on proper medication to help them overcome their compulsions.

  3. Because people are emotionally attached to the issues.  It is as simple as that.  The information behind the argument might have changed,  but the emotions have not and as long as that is so, you will have people who believe that man is the cause of global warming.

  4. because they are close minded,

    they dont do research for themselves,

    listen to idiot politians,

    buy into propaganda,


    the whole thing is stupid.

    global cooling was the big thing 30 years ago..

    the only reason 'global warming' is an issue is because scientists needed government funding for research

  5. People who believe in and promote this lie are either uninformed of the truth or share one common thing:  they're all leftists who can't find their own way in life.  Socialism is for sheep and other 'followers', and that's how they choose to live.

    In socialism, things don't have to make sense and often don't.  If junk science theories make them happy...oh well...what can you do?

  6. Why do people still buy into the Rush Limbaugh lie?

    1. Seven glaciers on Mt. Shasta are growing; but 498 glaciers elsewhere in the Sierra Nevada are retreating. So for the whole state of California, that's 98% retreating, 2% growing. Here's the scoop:

    2. Antarctica is losing roughly 150 billion tons of ice per year. Here's the proof:

    3. Mean global temperature anomaly, 1992-1999: +.311 C

    Mean global temperature anomaly, 2000-2007: +.515 C

    Here's the data:

    Somebody's been lying to you, Joe. I'm guessing you know who. But do you know why?

  7. Because stupidity is contagious and liberals refuse to get their vaccinations.

  8. Global warming has become a liberal religion and even when proven wrong by science and common sense beliefs die hard. It is the height of arrogance to think humans burning fossil fuels will destroy the earth. Very self important isnt it.

  9. And who do you think is lying?  The politicians and media, biased as they may be, are not the source of information.  The information comes from scientists.  If you truly believe thousands of scientists all over the world are lying, how are you ever going to be able to trust science again?  Maybe cigarettes and UV rays don't cause cancer.  Maybe eating nothing but fried foods is perfectly healthy.

  10. The Earth is going to burn up tomorrow. But Al Gore has built a Global Warming Ark to rescue the planet. Thank God for Al. He is going to take 2 women from each race and repopulate the planet himself. Thank God for Al.

  11. Anthropogenic global warming is real and happening.

    People buy into the "lie" that that global warming is a hoax because they have been misled. Examples:

    1) Some glaciers in California and Antarctic are growing because a warmer world produces more evaporation and precipitation.  Also see this related question:;... That a handful of glaciers in California are growing does not overturn 200 years of scientific understanding that greenhouse gases prevent energy (outgoing radiation) from escaping Earth's atmosphere.

    2) The last eight years were NOT cooler than the previous eight:

    3. Protecting the environment protects our liberties. It doesn't erode them.

  12. Indirectly maybe, with tax's and hardships. This year corresponds to a 1940 climate. There's going to be some more before it warms up again.

  13. You're right.  People buy into it because they think they actually saving the earth against Big Oil and energy companies.  They're wrong!

    Others are promoting it because they're profiting from it financially.

  14. I'm sure people will listen to your interpretation of the science rather than the National Academy of Science's version.

  15. people are ignorant, all it takes is a couple of Politicians

    to throw some big word out and point at a ******* computer screen, and people are hooked.

  16. There are 6.5 billion people on this planet  and we're running out of resources FAST. Over 80% of the ocean is in danger of overfishing, 14% of the world was once covered in rainforest and now its only 6% this is serious because 20% of the worlds oxygen comes from just the Amazon Rain Forest alone, And at the rate we're going more than half of the species we know today will be extinct in 100 years. Obviously, this is all due to human activity. Whether global warming is real or not we have to change the way we live, and as a consumer we need to be smart about our purchases. The consequences of us just throwing up our hands and saying 'global warming is man made' is far greater than at least being prepared for it. So for people like you that think its all a hoax, look at the bigger picture.  Don't deter people from doing this planet some good!

  17. You mean your liberties don't you? Yes this whole global warming thing was invented just to p**s you off.... This is a selfish question, asked by a selfish person, like so many others. Glaciers in America are disappearing. There is one that is growing and only because warming oceans are sending moisture to that particular mountain area. All glaciers globally are shrinking or gone. The Arctic (North Pole) ice cap is melting rapidly, it has the thickness of first year ice, and it's cracking. Polar bears will become extinct soon due to lack of food. The ice shelves in Antarctica are breaking apart and thinning, not growing. The air over much of  India, Mexico, and the great urban centers of China and the United States are unbreathable.

    Our liberties? Our greed, our selfishness, our waste.

    The voices of concern were raised in the 1970's and no one listened. It's been 38 years, and in that short time many species have died, important ones, common and familiar ones, irreplaceable.  Since when are our personal liberties worth more than the life of this planet? or the lives on this planet including yours?

  18. Socialism never likes to look at facts. They only want your money.

  19. I don't know if it's a lie or not, but people will buy into it because the media has created it's own atmosphere supporting the idea of man made global warming. As for the global warming thing, the deal is that the global climate is insanely complicated, and we can't possibly anticipate every influence to the climate. Look, I don't really care all that much about global warming...what I do care about is a side-effect of emitting CO2...ocean acidification.  We know that we emit 24 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. The oceans are absorbing huge amounts (about 22 million tons a day) and becoming more acidic.

    "...the process by which the ocean normally maintains its chemical equilibrium is glacially slow, severely limiting its capacity to adjust to an extreme shock...the massive influx of industrial emissions is just that."

    As the pH drops, the calcium carbonate shells of coral and shelled sea creatures dissolve. That means Diatoms (a type of alga) die, and that has a ripple effect throughout the food chain. For more than 600,000 years, the ocean has had a stable pH, but since the industrial revolution, the pH has dropped 30% and it's getting worse. It's possible that global warming is a lie...maybe it isn't, but I don't care why people reduce their carbon footprint, just as long as they do. And yes, the earth is on a cycle of ocean acidification as well as warming. The last time the oceans were acidic, shelled organisms disappeared from the fossil record for 40,000 years and another 60,000 years to recover.

  20. Different reasons.  For some, there is money to be made (Hansen, Gore, etc.)  For others they are made to feel important enough to contribute to the salvation of the planet and mankind!  

    ABSOLUTELY it is a big lie to take aware more of our liberties.  You think it will stop with controlling CO2?  Pandora's box is opening...

  21. Well, I like to think of it in terms of absolutes.  On the one hand, you have the believers, comprised of a majority of skilled scientists and organizations with a massive amount of data secured in a variety of technologically advanced ways saying yes, global warming is absolutely occurring and mankind is influencing it-but we don't know how much and what the outcome will ultimately be.  So they talk in terms of probability and devote further research to it.  There are extremists as well as persons and groups of dubious intent on the believer side but by and large the massive weight of the data and research indicates that we are poised on the brink of severe climactic shifts that are already beginning to occur, borne out by events and weather extremes, and the theory of global warming is the explanation that is most widely accepted.

    On the other hand, you have the skeptics who say global warming is absolutely not occurring and mankind absolutely does not affect climate; a second camp says global warming may be or is occurring, but mankind absolutlely does not play a significant role in it.  The skeptics are comprised of a minority of scientists, a few media pundits and organizations, some-if not many-of dubious credentials and agendas, supported by short term, regional or even local climate variations, 'facts' that are easily disproven yet keep resurfacing, and virtually no research of their own that counters the data assembled by others.  Then there are the hoax theories, political conspiracy theories, and Al Gore is a fat hypocrite theories, none of which are particularly convincing, and finally, there are the people who say that GW/AGW is untrue because they have decided it is, and others are supposed to be swayed to their way of thinking just because of that.

    Now I can't speak for anybody else, and I am no scientific savant, but when I compare the believer camp with the skeptic camp, it's easy to see why people believe that global warming is occurring and mankind is accelerating the process.  What the ultimate outcome will be and whether or not we can affect it by our actions is certainly debatable, but there are compelling reasons other than GW to take action politically, environmentally and economically that are similar-if not identical-to those we would take to counter AGW.

  22. They are people with no direction or selfworth.

  23. Global warming is a cyclical phenomena that takes place over tens of thousands of years. However, man's 'industrial revolution' of these past 150 years has accelerated the cycle, making it difficult for many plant and animal species to adapt to the coming climate changes.

    Man's arrogance, ignorance, neglect, avarice, sloth and hubris have all set in to challenge the veracity of this global threat - all because we don't like to hear 'bad news', especially if it's going to intrude on our lavish lifestyles, reduce our personal gluttony, or in any way interfere with our ability to profit or enjoy ascended levels of comfort and convenience.

    Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will pay dearly for our selfishness, gluttony and waste.  -RKO-  07/09/08

  24. Why do Republicans want to destroy our beautiful earth? What will you do with all the money you make then?

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