
Why do people still claim Stalin was an Atheist even though when he was young he wanted to be a priest?

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Don't believe me? read any good bio of him.




  1. OK, then. Every R & S atheist here who was ever a Christian at any point in their life is still a Christian.

  2. Why does it matter. Let them say that Stalin was an Atheist and claim that Einstein was a Christian.

    "Stalin was an atheist, therefore atheists are evil." Yeah, sure, whatever you want. Take your bible and play in the corner, okay?

  3. lets have s*x

  4. The whole soviet union was atheist. It was an atheist state where religion was highly discouraged and heavily persecuted. Stalin must have become an atheist later on in life.  

  5. That is irrelevant.

    The fact of the matter is that he didn't kill those millions in the name of 'a-theism'.

    He did so for only two reasons.

    1. Cos he could ... and

    2. cos he was a paranoid psychopath.


  6. Because Somehow That'll Make It Seem Like All Atheists Want To Cause Mass Destruction...I Don't Know If Stalin Was An Atheist Or Not, And It Doesn't Matter.  It Doesn't Really Mean Anything.  Most People In General Aren't That Bad, Atheist Or Theist.

  7. so what? many kids want to be things and when they grow up they realize just how silly they were.

    Stalin was an atheist.

  8. One on the basic tenants of Marxist dialectic materialism is Atheism.

    He was an Atheist.

  9. His mother wanted him to join the priesthood, he left the church at an early age.

  10. Because he gave up his faith in Christ and went on to do very evil things, also

  11. Boring Saturday evening, huh?

  12. Well, to be accurate, he did renounce religion later. On the other hand, he also forced everyone in the USSR to either worship him or go to h**l (Siberia), so that in itself disqualifies him as an atheist.

  13. When I was young I wanted to be a bus driver. So what!!! That is not what I turned out to be.  Stalin was an atheist genius. Don't believe me? Look it up!

  14. So a person can't start out as a Christian and later become an atheist?  I think many of the atheists here started out that way.  Technically I do believe Stalin renounced the priesthood along with Christianity.  I think he also sort of turned himself into a deity like Kim Jong Ill.  

  15. Over-zealous craziness can wear any hat...

  16. He certainly didn't kill as many of his own people as he did in the name of Christianity.

    Stalin was an atheist and a miserably cruel b*****d as well.

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