
Why do people still refuse to see the link between global warming and increasing hurricane intensity?

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Nearly the entire scientific community is in agreement on this. The only "scientists" who refute it are the ones whos paychecks depend on companies that destroy the enviornment.




  1. Because historically, hurricanes are more frequent and intense when temperatures are lower.  The intensity of a cyclone is directly proportional to the temperature differential between the air and the surface; they form when a mass of air is over a warmer surface, therefore cooler air over water = more storms.

  2. Yes the people of companies whose paychecks rely on this do refuse it. But there are normal people like you and me who don't care..why? It's because they're lazy and since they believe it won't affect them now..they don't bother. They do believe in global warming ( at least most of them do) they just deny it to avoid trying to help make the situation better.

  3. Make the companys greener. send a letter to some of them trying to enforce it. Thats what I would do.


  5. jlblank got it right.  If the warming were restricted to ocean waters, it might increase the intensity but air warms faster and hence it probably doesn't .  It is a complex system and your steadfastness to see a boogyman around every corner isn't going to make it so.

  6. another of gores phony scare tactics. im not buying it, but you can let him scare you if you wish.

  7. Well, people can stay ignorant of anything.  There are still people who believe that smoking is healthy, earth is flat and they will reincarnate...etc

    Anyway back to the topic.  Global Warming is NOT exactly a human phonomen.  The earth go through cycles of Ice Age and Warming climate from time to time.  Those cycles can be as many as millions of years or as little as few hundreds of thousands of years.

    The problem is that with our technology and demand of fossil energy, we have started to use more of deposited energy and are accelerating the cycle.  

    Think of it as this way.  A car goes up and down the hill at a cruising speed.  The top of the hill is the hot climate and the bottom of the hill is the ice age.   We are currently going up the hill.  But now we have found a NOx kit and decided to kick it in.  So now the car are going up the hill at twice or three times the speed.    So, we will reach the top of that hill really fast and then what happens once we get there?  We will be going down the hill really fast as well, and that will only lead to ice age much quicker.

    Either the hot climate or ice age are bad for human population as major extinction will happen on this planets to plants and animals.  As we depend on those resources, we might very well run out of most of them some day.  That will lead to global massive extinction that includes up to 95% of human population.

    The key is how do we slow the car down so we can enjoy the "mild" climate as long as possible.

    As far as hurrican intensity goes, those tropical winds get their energy from the water.  The higher the temperature of the water in the ocean, the more energy those hurricanes will have.  That will cause more damages when the hurricane intensities increase.

  8. So why are we having fewer hurricanes in recent years? And what about the study that says that warmer ocean waters should decrease the numbers of hurricanes? In other words, it's fuzzy science at best.

  9. global warming is very real.

    is it due entirely to  our negligence, I doubt it.

    pull out a geology textbook. global warming has been happening for centuries kids. long before the wrath of human impact.

    anyway.... we humans certainly arent helping matters.

    what about clearing the rainforests. global climate is controlled by those tracts of forest along the tropical belt that we relentlessly log.

  10. Most of those people don't believe in global warming in the first place.

  11. Global warming is c**p

  12. We had some of the most intense hurricanes in the early 1900's  if we had the news outlets of today and Internet at that time, who knows what theories and doomsday scenarios would have been espoused.

  13. Go ask your boy Al Gore.

  14. Why do people continue to believe in false information.  The proof DOES NOT exist that we (the human race) are or are not hurting the planet.  Go get a degree in this field and then talk about it until then please stop spreading misinformation!!!!  And people need to choose the correct term here its Human caused global warming or Natural effects.

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