
Why do people still say Egypt was black?

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Egypt was surely a white civilization. They made differences between them and black Nubian's. And if Egypt as black why aren't there other Egyptian-like buildings in Black-Africa? The Berbers were caucasian too and they worshiped Amon too. And The climate in Egypt isn't as hot as in Black-Africa. We have cold winters in Egypt. When you look at Black-African civilizations you see they had a little or no civilization, but Europe and Asia had many empires like the Egyptian one. And when you look at many Pure Egyptian Pharaohs(Not Greek or Nubian ones) they all look very caucasian like: Khafre, Menes, Khasekhemwy, Djoser,Tutankhamon and all the others.Some may look African but those are made in the 25th Dynasty when Nubian's conquered Egypt. They Egyptians had straight hair too. And now maybe 1% of Egypt is black and half of Sudan.

it would be ridiculous to say that Egypt was a Black Civilization.




  1. Firstly

    Ancient Egypt was an African civilization and no caucasians were involved

    Nilotic , Ethiopian & Arabian were the ancestry of Egyptian pahroses when the Greeks conquered Egypt the civilizations was long gone already the Greeks didt do anything but put their feet in worn out shoes. Cleopatra being the last fake Egyptian Pharaoh and I know she was white.

    Nilotic (North Africa)-

    Ethiopian (East Africa)-

    Arabian (West Asia)-

    Non of which are in Europe ie the land of Caucasians.

    Today Egyptians are descendants of a mix of Nilotics, Ethiopians and Arabians making them look like this:

    Egyptian (North Africa)-

    Personally I dont care about Ancient Egypt as its not my history and as its not your why are you too.

    My history is in Ancient Sudan and im black my father ie my family line is from northern Sudan I am half Nilotic.

    Lets see how similar my history was to Acient Egypt's

    Ancient Sudan (Nubians) aka Kush Civilization




    Ancient Egypt



    Army- They were the same army Nubian arches

    Similar things same army Ancient Sudan was black. Black I cant even think of a way that you could try and deny that lol because I aint any other color and Egypt was not white 100% sure they were a mix as shown above non of which European (Caucasian).

    King tuts grandmother was 100% black

    Queen Tiye

    So even if Pharaoh tutankhamun had a white mother which I doubt 100% he would still be fully black because Queen Tiye children were the sam e as her. akak one drop rule  but king tut was black.

    Overall Ancient Egypt is more my history than its yours its history for anyone of African origin its not a races history but a continent a continent which Caucasians were not part of till the last 600 years.

    PS Native American make up 1% of the land they once dominated USA. Which they did dominate only 700 years ago sooo whats your point?

  2. through the nile river egyptians morphed from black Nubian in the south to middle eastern look up to the north.

    i mean they were not totally white, nor totally black. but the majority were considered white.

    a good evidence is the statue of an egyptian man setting with his wife. usually the egyptian man used to look darker of the woman, because of the effect of the sun-tan he gained through his day work outside the house

    also there are illustrations about Nubians of the nile and of Ethiopia where they were colored in a more darker brown hue (what call as black). from this it is clear that egyptians were not black.

    also the iconic paintings in Coptic churchs illustrate egyptians as white people not black (white as middle eastern not european look)

    however there is afamous statue of Tuts mother where she appear to be black, and also Tuts lips on the mask makes him look black

    the main clear point is that the Anciant Egyptian civilization is the Egyptian civilization NOT anyone else.

    afterall i find these kind of ideas are not research based and just an effect of western media talk and Hollywood movies effect too. and most researches that claim an opposite positions are strongly biased. and i find it some kind of jealously cultural racism

  3. Whatever.. black white it really doesnt matter..

    BLAH! I'm sick of this argument!

  4. ok and ur telling us this because..we care...?

  5. Why do you care? This is such a racist argument! I lived in Egypt, and many northern Egyptians until now have certain features which belie a black African heritage such as kinky hair, flatish noses, large lips and wide mouths. In any case, your statement that there was no civilization in ancient Africa indicates that you have never studied African history. Good grief!!!

  6. Skin Colour never had anything to do with architecture Egyptians are a mixed race some of them are black some are bronze and some are white not that even matters

  7. Ancient Egyptians were not black nor white.  They were of middle eastern ethnicity.

  8. Why cuz you don't want to be consider black or of black descent? Get a life!

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