
Why do people still support PETA?

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When they are hypocrits who kill the majority of the animals given to them, bully and harass smaller grass roots animal rights organizations, and are hypocritical on many other subjects.

h**l their leader uses insulin which comes from pigs, even though they say that animals should never be used for medical purposes.

The ASPCA is such a better organization, why not join them instead?




  1. Simple...because they do some flippin fantastic work, as Orange as stated, and apres vous is correct too!!

  2. support nations rights wrote....

    "PETA [is] too radical and extremist for me where they think its ok to beat up on people for wearing fur isnt that being hypocritical in my eyes they say dont harm animals but they make it seem its ok to harm other human beings"

    petas not beating up on people by trapping them in extremely painful cages, denying them of their freedom, and stripping them of their skin. aand by helping animals in the long run is saving humanity. turning vegetarian is the best thing you could do for the environment.

  3. why are they still tax exempt?

  4. I think you haven't studied the subject enough because you are getting your facts confused. Insulin doesn't come from pigs anymore. That said, I do believe that although Peta do some brilliant work, they also may be doing harm in the long run.  They say "we want bigger cages" which legitimises the cages in the first place. I don't think a chicken is going to be over the moon at having an extra6 square inches of space and when someone like KFC makes the cages bigger, then they look like the good guys who did what they were asked. The organiseations I respect most are the ALF and the RPFA.

  5. PETA does so much important work on behalf of animals. PETA has:

    -Spayed and neutered 45,000 animals through its low cost, mobile spay and neuter clinic. This has prevented an unimaginable amount of animal overpopulation and homelessness. Sometimes euthanasia is the most humane option, especially if animals are being ravaged by diseases or are suffering from injuries. PETA doesn't run a humane society but serves as a shelter of last resort.

    -Persuaded Calvin Klein, Polo Ralph Lauren, Wet Seal, Forever 21, and many other companies to stop selling real fur.

    -Convinced KFC Canada to switch to the least cruel method of humane slaughter, Controlled Atmosphere Killing. Over half of the KFCs in Canada will now carry a vegan chicken option, thanks to PETA's campaign.

    -Revealed the cruelty behind animal entertainment, and convinced companies to stop supporting animal circuses. Denny's, MasterCard, Visa, and other companies have ended their circus promotions after learning of the routine confinement and abuse that animals in circuses are subjected to.

    -Reviewed animal testing proposals and prevented animal suffering by convincing companies not to do unnecessary tests. Convinced cosmetics companies to switch to non-animal testing methods.

    The list goes on and on.

    I'm not sure what you mean about smaller grassroots groups. From what I've seen, PETA is extremely helpful to these groups, providing free materials and advice.

    EDIT: It's really sad that some people are basing their opinions on an anti-PETA website, which was created by a front group for the meat, alcohol, and tobacco industries. The people who made that site don't care one tiny little bit about animals. They're just trying to scare people away from going vegetarian and supporting animal advocacy groups. See

  6. Because they are naive.  And still in high school.

  7. The people with hearts do not like animals to be killed.

  8. There is more money to be made by terrorizing corporations than there is saving cute puppies and kitties.  Once they figured that out, it's been that way ever since; probably 1992 or so.

  9. Dunno...I don't. Because they took a good idea and screwed it all up. Now they're the laughing stock of the world. Sorry PETA.

  10. Because they sent me free return address labels!

  11. I was going to answer this one with another question..

    Why shouldnt we? But i guess you have that covered

    Personally i support anyone that gets the message out for animals and gets the job done.. im sure PETA does more good than bad.... I hope!

  12. You got your facts all wrong.

    You should make a donation right now in memory of our dead brain.


  14. I love animals and want to be an active member for animal rights but i would not be a member of PETA there too radical and extremist for me where they think its ok to  beat up on people for wearing fur isnt that being hypocritical in my eyes they say dont harm animals but they make it seem its ok to harm other human beings

  15. Insulin doesn't come from pigs anymore.  It's made synthetically because it's cheaper and easier to obtain this way.  I know this, because I had a science lesson on it and my science teacher's son is diabetic.

  16. Because PETA uses glitz while ASPCA just actually worls to help animals. Glitz and glamout attracts like light attracts mosquitoes.

    And PETA now targets kids because adults are seeing them for what they truly are.

    ASPCA and the Humane soceity does euthanize animals in its shelters BUT not after telling owners that their pets are safe. Neither are the bodies left to rot in garbage dumpsters ( a highly irresponsible act because if the animals were diseased as PETA initially claimed, althoug in truth they were in perfect ehalth, then proper dispossal should have been done to prevent the spread of disease) Nor are the anials healthy ( The Humane Society also does not advocate the extermination of animals species or breed

    The ironic thing about goddess of the corn Ingrid Newkirk and Karen Sweetfield (another PETA boss) is that they totally oppose animal testing but use animal researched drugs. the excuse that it is now made synthertically (and presumptious that they use syntheitically made drugs) rings hollow because PETA absolutely opposes the use of drugs researched through animal.testing. Hypocrisy at it's highest but totally lost on it's (paid?)apologists that patrol these pages.

  17. You do realize the ASPCA and the Humane Society both have to euthanize animals right? It's not just PETA.

    The "leader" of PETA, as you call her, because you don't even know her name, suffers from Type I Diabetes and insulin is made synthetically now, without the use of porcine fluids.

    You should really read some facts rather than basing your thinking on!!

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