
Why do people still think Asian people have yellow skin even if they are East Asians?

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I know from a historical record that Western people first described a Japanese skin as pale skin while Japanese people described Western skin as reddish brown skin. But a Japanese translator mistranslated the word of 'pale' as 'yellow', then Japanese people started to categorized their skin as yellow by themselves.

But actually it was just a mistranslation...Then why people in the world still call all Asian as 'yellow' skin? Is it to make a joke about the stupid translator? I know South East Asian people have darker skin than Western people, but as old Japanese and Western people described, East Asian usually have lighter skin than western people.

Then why they wanna categorize all Asian as the same race?




  1. f**k You! I'm Asian and If u look at our skins closely u can see a touch of yellow through our tan/brown sin

  2. Guys get a life Asian people are more racist then most Americans. I know this is a generalized statement, but continue reading if you have an open mind stop if you live in a small dream world where there are no racial barriers. My first marriage failed because my ex-wife's (Korean) parents could not accept that she was married anybody that was not a Korean. Now I am remarried and she is still single because of her parents racist behavior. I lived in Korea for a number years and found that my case was not unique.

  3. Actually, yellow skin does occur in a large number of the world population but not specifically asian.  Skin tones are mainly pale white (porcelain), golden (yellow undertones), mocha (brown/tan), white (pink undertones), black (various degrees of dark brown).  I am western with yellow toned pale skin and dark eyes and hair.  Because I am american with mix of western and asian ancestors.  When some people say things, sure they can be prejudice, and that's wrong.  But most of the time it's not meant literally like a box of crayola crayons, but we do all have a main color in the undertones of our skin.  Personally, I find the asian/oriental people to be some of the most beautiful.

  4. East Asians are genetically pale-skinned in general, and the only reason why they may be darker is because they are tanned, since their countries are situated closer to the equator (around the latitudes of Spain slightly below) than most European countries. This is why yellow is the skin colour least referred to, becuase it is technically incorrect, so most people just say Orientals/Asians.

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