
Why do people still think global warming is a hoax?

by Guest45450  |  earlier

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How can it be a hoax when scientists and climate experts around the world all believe its happening and they have been studying it for years. What creditable evidence can you acutally give that the thousands and thousands of scientists are all wrong?




  1. It's a conspiracy.

  2. Back in the 1970's  these "scientists" actually thought there was Global COOLING!! There are 2 side to every argument, there are alot of top scientists who think its a hoax...look it up.

  3. Oh, <YAWN> ... another one.

    "Thousands and thousnads of scientists" were not wrong ... most of them were asked about CLIMATE CHANGE ... and there is no denying that the Earth's climate has changed repeatedly since the first rocks cooled billions of years ago.

    Where the problem occurs is when certain non-scientists substituted the phrase "climate change" with the phrase "man-made global warming" AFTER the results were gathered ... that's the problem.

    Sorry, Bucky, but the Earth's temperature has seen a one degree Fahrenheit gain in the last 100 years. The polar bear population is greater now than it was 50 years ago. The last scare predicted glaciers covering Buffalo, New York by the year 2000. The last mini Ice Age ended in the mid-1800's after about 150 years of cooler temperatures ... long before the invention of the Chevy Blazer or the incandescent light bulb.

    Climate change is real and is a natural part of the Earth's existence. It has been going on since the first rocks cooled billions of years ago. It has occured repeatedly even in the last few thousand years and is the reason there are native Americans running casinos in Mississippi. They got here by crossing the Bering Strait during two separate cold periods. The wooly mammoth got here the same way.

    What kind of SUV did the wooly mammoth drive?

  4. Cuz all the oil companies don't want to go out of business for one, so they deeply infiltrate the government. Also the ignorant christians don't want to change anything. GET USED TO IT WE LIVE IN THE 21ST CENTURY!

  5. It is more political then scientific currently.

  6. Besides the inconclusive science, I think it may be a hoax because it's promoters have declared the debate over, and some have equated skeptics with holacaust deniers. That just don't seem right to me and not very scientific.

  7. I think that it is because of their close mindedness. Big business makes money from products that are causing global warming such as oil.  They hire people, scintests, to say that it is fake in order to create the false image in the  media that there is a dispute over whether global warming is real or not.  Also, even if global warming is fake, why do you want to pollute our precious planet? Don't you care about the future generations who are going to be born into a dirty planet? I sure do not want that for my children.

  8. Why do people still believe the world is flat?

    There has been evidence of global warming. An it happening now, for exsample an ice chunk the size of Texas broke off in the ice caps. The funny thing about global warming is this wouldn't even be an issue if we hadn't destroyed so much of our forests, jungles, and so forth, the planet would be able to handle the pollutants in the air.

    People still think that Global Warming isn't real because the media dosn't tell the whole story or talk about it nearly enough. Most believe that Global Warming is the end of the world but thats not entirely true, it is for certain though that climates around the world will change, even the topography. The answer is simply;  people are not well educated on the subject.

    Don't let anyone tell you Global Warming isn't real. It is a very well proven scientfic fact.

  9. there are scientists that say this is actually a sign of a climate change... not  neccesarily global warming... but were I live we have recieved 3 inches less than our seasonal record for snow fall and it's still winter for another almost month......

    and the fact that Al Gore's going absolutely all out about global warming has turned off many many people to it... as wel as draw some in....

    but come on how could you not believe it...

    The guy did invent the internet after all...

  10. They believe that this has happened many times in the past(cool periods and warming), even thought it has never risen a whole global degrees in one century! So I have seen their view but it is unable to be true.

  11. i think climate change is real, but some people are hard core stubborn and cling to the belief that the world is okay, so they don't bother to get their facts striate and just blab: "tree hugger have a big imagination"

  12. People want to believe that it is not real so that they can go on living their lives happily instead of having to worry about this gigantic problem. Instead of making a better world for their children, people are depending on their children to fix the world. No one wants to help!

  13. It's cold in Florida, that's not global warming.  The reason I live down here is because it doesn't get too hot.  If there's global warming, I say bring it on, the sooner the better!

  14. Cause they have their head up their butt

  15. Many scientists now disagree with man made global warming and new studies indicate we have entered a period of global cooling. As for our area, we have had more snow than we have had in a long time and as far as sea ice it is 4-8 inches thicker this year than last at this time so it is coming back real fast also.

  16. I think its because no one has seen cold hard evidence that couldn't be faked or something.

    I think global warming's real.

  17. If global warming is real, then why are we here in the northeast STILL freezing our butts off in the winter time??  

    Al Gore has a broad imagination.  Global warming is no more real than a three-dollar bill.

  18. I hear you!!!   These are the same people who are part of problem, not the answer!    Every light bulb in my house is CFL, my hot water heater is "on demand", I have skylights to ensure as much natural light as possible, use my wood heat when when it gets really cold (which this year, hasn't been much since it has been unusually warm this winter with little snow.), recycle, and have decreased my families "carbon footprint" by nearly 30%.  Why take chances?  Even if the earth was warming rapidly without humans burning a hole in the ozone, shouldn't we all do our part to ensure our grandchildrens' grandchildren aren't building there homes and schools over "prettied up" landfills?;)

  19. Learn the difference between global warming and man-made global warming. Only idiots think that global warming is a hoax, but there's still a lot of controversy over man-made global warming.

    Edit: Jake M - What's so unbelievable about global cooling? The earth will cool down eventually, we've had ice ages in the past, why not one right now or soon?

  20. I don't refute the fact that the globe is warming.  I reject the foolish notion that humans are causing it, or can do anything about it.

  21. It's because it's impossible to tell precisely the amount of impact we as humans are having on the Earth.

    I think maybe it's "better safe than sorry".

    But I also think there's a hysteria around it, and IT IS being used as another form of control.

  22. Thousands of other credible scientists disagree with the ones that you are talking about. The liberal media only shows you the opinions of the scientists that they want to show you.

  23. What about the thousands of scientist who say global warming is a natural occurrence?  Why do you choose to ignore them?  Why do you think they are wrong?

    Can any one tell us if this summer will be warmer even though co2 continues to increase?  Are they just guessing?  How come they can't show their work?

  24. The battle isn't about natural cycle warming. All scientists recognize that that has been happening since time immemorial.

    If you believe in man-made global warming, then you've been had, Karma. There is no evidence that man-made global warming is a reality. There never will be. Because there is none.

    This is a political issue, whereby environmental activists want to use global warming propaganda to exert control over the global community. They are socialists who believe in limited technology and limited human activity, and scaring people into thinking they're killing themselves and their grandchildren by driving SUVs.

  25. Okay, conspiracy theories aside, there aren't thousands of scientists to prove 'wrong'. You'll find few scientists who will unequivocally state that humans are the main cause of warming and there are many scientists who think we don't add much to the warming. You could even argue that warming isn't bad and more CO2 is a good thing, for plants and people who like to eat plants.

    Since Antarctica is cooling and the ice there is getting thicker, we only need to consider ice in the northern hemisphere. Most of the arctic ice is already in the water so it won't add much if any to sea levels. Greenland will take thousands of years to melt. In the meantime, humans really got a running start the last time the Earth got warm and it still isn't as warm as it was the last time that happened, in the Medieval Warming Period. Good for agriculture, arable land where there is now ice or it's too cold, most of the world wouldn't suffer at all if it did get warm.

    But based on the current solar cycle (#24) which is having a hard time getting started, we may well be going into a long-term cooling period of at least 40 years. We've already lost the temp gains which took 100 years that AGW advocates scream about, and we did it in a single year.

    I don't say it's a hoax because I don't think the majority of scientists are doing research to perpetrate a hoax, it's just science that isn't fully understood. Do some research yourself, you don't need to be a scientist to understand the research they've done and having a degree in science doesn't make you infallible.

  26. Its not proven.

  27. Not so much a hoax as a poorly supported hypothesis.

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