
Why do people still try to abolish cigarette companies?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone knows they are anything but good for you but I still hear about people wanting to abolish them. The word is already out and everyone knows they are not good for you. If they were abolished there would be a ton of people out of work and a good amount of revenue taken away from the country. So why do people still want to abolish cigarette companies?

BTW I don't smoke and find it very disgusting but I'm not going to preach about it since smokers already know it all.




  1. because people dont want us to figure out "the stove is hot" messege. they are trying to make laws to protect us from things that we should learn or should already know can hurt us.

  2. Last time I checked, we were still a free country. We are free to make decisions ourselves. Once the government gets into the act of abolishing smoking, next will be fats in our foods or we may be required to weigh in to make sure we don't have to go on a government diet. Maybe the government won't allow you to order anything but a diet plate when you go out to eat. This is all socialism....socialists believe they are smarter than you and know better what is good for you and even better at spending your money for the greater good. You earn it, they take it away.

  3. Because it's pretty natural to want to regulate stupidity.

    But most people realize regulating stupidity would involve taking away a large number of freedoms.

    The people who don't realize that are the types of people who want to take down the cigarette companies.

  4. So ..... as you arguement goes, we are to maintain a company that produces a product with viable benefits or usefulness to just because it provides jobs for people?

    In other words, it doesn't matter what they produce, or the consequences of the produced item.......what matters is that the people there are employed.

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