
Why do people stop when the traffice light is blinking yellow?

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It is early in the morning. I'm on my way to work and I'm approaching an intersection that has a lot of backed up traffic. I get close to the front to see that the lights facing me are blinking yellow and the other set of lights on the cross street are blinking red. Why in the world are we doing a 4 way stop sign. READ YOUR MANUAL! Blinking red means stop and treat like a stop sign. Yellow blinking means proceed with caution!!!




  1. I know what you mean! Happens more than you would think.

  2. People might be afraid of getting a ticket for passing a red light so they stop when it is yellow. Also, you said it early in the morning people are half a sleep in the morning so people's driving is unpleasant.

    I really get ticked off when people stop when the yellow light is blinking so I honk at people to get them to move.

  3. This is what happens when nearly everyone is allowed to drive.  I would use my horn to tell them get going.

  4. One of My pet peeves too!

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