
Why do people stress alot?

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Why do people stress alot?




  1. Why do people stress alot?

    Because there are many frustrating and annoying things that occur in daily life when you are living in the cities of western countries.  There's housework, work, your relationship, travel to work, kids, managers, co-workers, friends, partner, other drivers on the road, people that you have to sit next to in a bus or train, there are many instances where you can get frustrated about how you perceive things to be.  Things dont always go your way, maybe you have to negotiate or compromise with someone.

  2. The brain we have on this planet is vulnerable to stress. Lowering the mental abilities is the only way to remove stress other than joining a social group that is self loyal. The winner circle gives them some relief but not forever.

  3. Stress affects your body as much as food and exercise. A combination of emotional and physical pressures, it can either help you with challenges and problems or make them many times worse.

    Which effect stress has on you depends on how YOU handle it. How you handle stress depends on being able to recognize it, knowing where it's coming from, and understanding your stress-management options so you can choose the best one for your situation.

    Here are some feelings that often come from stress, see if any of them apply to you:

       tired a lot of the time  

       moods change for no reason  

       can't concentrate  

       cry over stupid things  

       can't sleep  


       fearful, but don't know what's frightening you  

       have nightmares a lot  

       palms get sweaty

       accident prone

       hungry all the time, no matter how much you eat

       no motivation to do anything  

       loss of enthusiasm

    Ways to Handle Stress

       Get rid of what's causing the stress - if you can, (no, that doesn't mean your younger brother or sister or your parents).

       Change your attitude toward what's causing the stress. (Easy to write, hard to do).

       Face up to what's causing the stress until it isn’t stressful anymore.

       Avoid hassles. Identify the things that stress you out and eliminate them or prepare yourself to cope   with them. Take a day off, that's what weekends are for.

       Pursue a new hobby or sport. Take time to do what you enjoy.

       Don't deny or repress your emotions, this only compounds stress. Don't be afraid to cry, crying can  relieve anxiety and let out bottled-up emotions which will relieve feelings of stress.

       Work on creating a stress-free place in your home. Your room should be a safe stress-free place for you to go to. Decorate it so you find it calming, soothing and safe.

       Family and Friends. When you can talk to your parents in a loving and secure family, then that can help relieve a lot of the stress that you bring home from other places. BUT home is not heaven for a lot of teens and you can often run into many stressful situations there as you would anywhere else. You may have a close friend or a friend's parent(s) that you can talk to instead.

       If you feel you simply cannot handle the stress in your life, consider outside help. You may be able to talk to a guidance counselor at school, or you may want to consult a qualified counselor or other practitioner who can help you handle your problems and learn effective stress reduction techniques. It is often beneficial to talk with someone who can offer an objective response whether a trusted friend or a professional counselor.

  4. life becomes difficult sometimes

  5. People stress a lot as the stresses in our brain have had enough look as it as a curvy line at one end there is no stress at the other you are close to breaking point and in the middle you have had enough and are ready to go over the edge so to speak.

    everyone needs stress in their life but once you have reached the peak or went over the edge of the curve everything becomes a major effort and day to day tasks are hard causing more stress.

    as with the stress comes commen illnesses sleep problems, anxiety depression and a lot of mentel illnesses many dismiss as stress and keep striving for the perfection that society Has placed upon us until we breakdown.

    we don't see the signs of stress we see it as every day life people need to learn to do what the brain and body is asking of it to keep well work, rest and PLAY all in moderation

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