
Why do people strictly believe in marriage before babies?

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I cannot understand why it is such a huge deal to so many people to get married before having babies?

I would love to hear people's thoughts on this issue!!

In this day and age, people live with there partners throughout most of their 20's, and this is practically equivalent to marriage.

Weddings are so expensive, as are children, but what do you really want, say at the age of 28? To get married or to have children? If you choose to get married, it may be a few years away before you can afford to have children.

I just can't understand the big deal about being married before having children, or maybe I can't understand the big deal about getting married at all, because it doesn't change much these days!!




  1. Just because you aren't married doesn't mean you will have a b*****d baby. You don't have to be married to the baby's father to put his name on the birth certificate.

  2. i don't think the being married and having kids stigma is as popular as you think.  people feel that a child is better off having both parents to help raise it but that does not mean they have to be married  as long as you can support your child and your self.

    on the other hand being married has its benefits when you live together and are married you can file taxes jointly with a head of house hold (possibly different in other states) which gives you tax breaks, if something happens to you (heaven forbid) your husband would already have custody of your child.  you can purchase or rent homes easier if you are married vs. dating.

    I'm married but before i was married i lived with my husband for 5 years we are now expecting our first child and i am very happy to be having a baby with my husband not my boyfriend

    i feel more secure knowing he is my hubby and in it for better or worse.    

  3. marriage is stability an providing a stable home is what every parent should want for their child..

    it also dates back to biblical times where you had to me married to have s*x then have children.

  4. When my mom got pregnant at 19 she didn't marry my dad because she had to, she married him because she wanted to be with him and provide a home. I have nothing against unwed mothers or fathers, but i've seen my share of kids without dads in the picture and its not always pretty i guess. For some people marriage provides a stable environment and i know anyone can argue against that with divorce. So really that is a tough question with no real good answer. Everyone in my family is having kids out of wedlock not a huge deal but i decided to be a little different just to throw off the trend, so i got married and then got pregnant. It makes me a lot more comfortable bringing a life into the world knowing i'm not doing it alone. So in closing do what you want who really cares unless you're 15 knock that c**p off.

  5. marriage is way overrated.. people meet after 3 days and get married it has no point anymore.. cuz just as quickly as you marry you divorce... stability?? blah... they end up in debt over the wedding so there goes that "point" ... STD's people cheat so like i said its pointless.. knowing your locked down is hard for some people to deal wit and they do dirt on the side.. sad to say but true... just cuz your married doesnt make everything ok... sometimes it messes it all up!    

  6. You don't want a baby to be legally a b*****d because it has no father on the birth certificate, thats why people want to get married.  Its also good for insurance purposes.

  7. I just asked a question about this, but from the opposite end.;...

  8. I think that if you wanna have a baby have a baby married or not!!  I am married but if I was not married and wanted to have a baby I would do it because it's MY life and MY body!!  nobody can take that away from you!!  I think it's stupid that if a 17 year old makes a mistake that she automatically HAS to "get married" I mean come on shot gun weddings are SO the 80's!!  lol

  9. it's because based on real life studies more unmarried parents separate than married ones.  it is usually not the ones who have been together for years and decided that they want to have children but the people who have been dating for a year and then get pregnant.  also it increased the chance of getting an std but it you wait til marriage to have s*x and then only sleep with your partner and they only sleep with you chances are your not going to get an std.  that is what I hear anyway.  I hate to see people fall pregnant with the boyfriend that they have know for a year because I've been there done that.  Now my daughter comes from a broken home and has 2 dads because her biological father decided that he didn't want anything to do with her until she was almost a year old and calling my husband who was the only father that she knew dad.  Now she is very confused still and she has been seeing her dad for 3 years now.  We tried to tell her to call my husband something else but try to get a one year old to call him something else when every one else refers to him as her dad.  

  10. Because thats what God says in the Bible. s*x before marriage is a sin.

  11. i agree, you dont have to be married before having a child. I am not married and i have a son. My and my boyfriend have been together for a while now and have a new born baby we arent just ready for a marriage plus i just think you dont have to be married to tell someone you love them, marriage is just a piece of paper and a ring, that doesnt mean you love some one you can love some one just as much even if you dont have that paper saying your married or a ring, and it is so expensive and its more expensive to get a divorce [god for big] but things happen huh

    and me and my boyfriend have our own place and both work, so the marriage to have a baby is nonsence

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