
*****Why do people suck?*****?

by  |  earlier

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I have had my purse stolen twice in the last two weeks. I had just gotten my driver's license replaced and my new debit/credit cards ordered and it was stolen again this morning. Why is it that people feel the need to run someone else's day into the crapper?




  1. they are jealous that you are having a good ilife whereas they have to result to stealing  beacuz they didn't have a good ife, like always sressed becausae you can''t pay the bills or how about the part when people drop out of school then they trulky can't get a job and then they really have trouble paying bills. sorry, just make sure you cancel all of them.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your purse being stolen twice in two weeks but I guess it's Cuz those that need to steal from other people don't give a **** about those of us who are working hard to keep ourselves and family together. I guess they find it easy to steal than to go out and get a job.  

  3. Bad month

  4. Because, America ( no offense) are pretty disrespectful, especially to woman. They just pulls off their pants and put them in, just to do it? I mean, ask yourself, why?  

  5. If you'd stop canceling your cards I wouldn't have to keep taking your purse.

  6. Maybe you need to watch your belongings more attentively...

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