
Why do people suddenly care about the health of the Chesapeake Bay?

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It's been under the radar for so long, but today it's the #8 most popular story on Yahoo! News. As a lifetime CB resident, I'd just like to hear thoughts on this subject...




  1. I visit the Bay frequently and I never realized that it was of national importanace. #8 on Yahoo? It's not really national but a statewide issue.

  2. Actually, I heard a news story on WTOP that the crabs are fading... but this isn't breaing news by any means... I have no idea why it's number 8.  They've had "Chesapeake Bay Watershed" signs on all rivers out here in the Shenandoah Valley for a long time.

  3. I've known about the problems in Chesapeake Bay for over twenty years and I am neither a resident of Chesapeake Bay or the United States, for that matter. As a matter of fact I live in Western Canada.

    What's your point?

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