
Why do people suffering from disorders that prevent absorption of fat from the intestine sometimes suffer?

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from uncontrolled bleeding?




  1. vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin. That is it is absorbed via the same pathway as fats. Vitamin K is essential for the enzyme complex that adds a gamma carboxyl group to the precursor of prothrombin. Prothrombin cannot be functional without this special structure. Prothrombin is converted to THROMBIN by the 10ase complex. Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin ( forming the soft blood clot ) then activates the compound transglutaminase that forms the hard clot

    Without vitamin K thrombin cannot be made and clotting cannot occur.

    The blood clot preventer, coumadin is a vitamin K antagonist similar in structure to warfarin ( the rat poison Decon ).

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