
Why do people tailgate other drivers on the roads?

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Why do people tailgate other drivers on the roads?




  1. People learn how to behave by seeing how other people behave.  This means that as technology gets better and better, people get worse and more horrible, like evolution in reverse.

    People tailgate because they can get away with it.

    We lack a good system for drivers to report each other for infractions.  Some day, maybe with smart cars, we can point something like a cell phone at another motorist doing something we don't like

    too fast

    too slow

    illegal maneuver


    gave me the finger


    push a button and something records identities your car, the car you pointing at, both GPS maneuvers, and what you SAY about your gripe

    the police then look at the recorded info & send ticket to whoever was in the wrong

  2. Drivers think if they tailgate the car in front of them that it will make that driver either drive faster or move over to the other lane. I would be careful about following too closely because you can get pulled over for that.

    I had a suv move over in front of me one time on the interstate and then the driver starting hitting his brakes because he saw the police up ahead. I got pulled over because the officer said I was following too closely. He did not see the suv move over in front of me. To my surprise the police was really nice and only gave me a warning.

  3. It is a way that some people use to tell you to get out of their

    F--king way. That is a stupid thing to do. If the car being tailgated must suddenly have to brake, the tailgating car is most likely to be kissing the other persons rear end.  It is one of the noticeable signs of road rage that could escalate.

  4. They do it, because they think that by going that close it will make the vehicle in front of them go faster. Most times it just makes the vehicle in front slow down, though. It can also get the tailgater a ticket if there are police around.

  5. they have no common sence and want to crash, they are 6th time passers.

  6. Usually, the person in the frnt is driving too slow, or sometimes the tailgater is a new driver and doesn't know to distance themseles a little better.

  7. yeah when you are driving to slow it helps get you out the way. others are just to either scare people or they think they are "drafting" which doesn't occur much until high speeds are in place, i have a moron friend like that. either way its very illegal because you can cause an accident. i start to slow down and it gets them really pissed off so they have to pass. hey that's why blinkers were made.

  8. Usually I see this when people are driving too slow in the lefthand lane.  I don't blame the tailgaters, I blame the driver who is going slow.  If you want to go slow,GET IN THE RIGHTHAND LANE!

    This is one of the highest cause of accidents, and incites road rage.

  9. People are always in a they don't stop to think of how long it takes to stop a vehicle. For takes 7 seconds to stop an 80,000lb tractor trailer at 55mph..A car traveling 55 mph requires about 224 feet to stop on dry pavement...most ppl don't know this and are ignorant to the facts

  10. because they are bloody idiots

  11. Its usually because the person is going to slow and they want to pass them.

  12. they are driving at the wrong lane and the fast driver do get p**s off.

  13. they like to claim all the immediate space around them as their territory

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