
Why do people tailgate???

by Guest59083  |  earlier

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it's even worse when they stop close behind a stick shift waiting up a hill at a stop light or something, absolutely rude...!




  1. I wish I knew. I experience it everyday in my commute to work, and again back home. Also, when you are at the library, and there are 16 computers available, why does someone (never a sweet smelling person of the opposite s*x) always take the computer right next to you?

  2. my feelings about it is there are alot of people in this world stuck on stupid

  3. 'cause they're in a hurry.

    'cause they're rude.

    'cause they're idiots.

    'cause they're stupid.

    'cause they ...

  4. Cause they're cross-eyed! HA! Some people just dont know how to drive. What you do is you drive slowER when theyre close to you tailgaiting and as soon as they get frustrated and try to go around you on the other lane... you step on it! HA! Drive safe!

  5. believe it or not it saves gas. especially if your tailgating a hauler

  6. Because they want to intemidate you... They think theyre cool doing it. Or maybe yor doing something to make them mad....I only tailgate people who are going way too slow .

  7. cuz they can.

  8. I like to slam my brakes on people that do that, in hopes they hit me, and they get the ticket!

  9. some people think that if they tailgate you will get out of their way.  others think its normal, because no one taught them to drive properly.  others are just plain stoopid and rude.

  10. 1. Because they believe they and their time is more important.

    Funny thing is most of the time they have shown bad character to gain a whopping 5 secs.  lol

    I either just move over or if they are considerably pushy I will, what I call road block them; keeping pace with the car in the lane next to me.  After awhile I will take off, and fast.  I can be so childish at times.  

    2.  The one being tailgated is being rude (possibly a control freak) driving too slow causing a road blocks keeping time with the car in the lane next to them.

    I friggin' hate that and I will ride your arsh if you do it to me.  Especially if you create a train of cars all waiting to get past oh important you.

  11. Because they are rude and ignorant.

  12. They are so rude, I guess they think it's gonna make you drive faster. Unfortunately, they do not realize, or care that they are placing my kids life at risk, as well as their own. They should be banned!

  13. Hmmm....Rush hour traffic is for the people who want to go home to get yelled at by their spouse for something they did do, something they didn't do, or something they're going to do wrong.  So why do we rush home??? I also drive stick so i feel for ya.

  14. Because most people are idiotic impatient a******s, it pisses me off tOO!!!, people, stop driving so rude, be more patient!!!...BTW, I'm not too slow of a driver, but I'm very respectful of other drivers.

  15. people tailgate becuase they think they can get somewhere faster and yet they are jsu causin more trouble.  usually a couple brake checks will mkae them back up.

  16. Tail-gaters should go back to driving school...they are a menice on the roads...especially in bad weather or in tricky traffic situations,

  17. It's rude of you to drive so slow that they want to tailgate!  Quit talking on the phone, putting on makeup and whatever else you are doing and get your a ss in gear and DRIVE!  If you knew what you were doing being on a hill in a stick wouldn't be a problem!!!

  18. If you swerve a little bit it does the trick and they back off.

  19. good question and one I have never seen addressed on answeres.

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