
Why do people take liberties and call you back a nick name you did not say to use?

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Personally I like to call people how they introduce themselves to me. If you introduce yourself as Cat i am not going to call you Catherine or vice versa. I have a name with a common shortening and people take liberties and just shorten it for me. I don't hate the name. I just like people who know me well to use it. Why in the first 5 min of meeting someone will people use nick name on them.




  1. I don't know.  I was never particularly fond of the name "Jen(n)."  For most of my life, I went by "Jenny." Then I decided to be a little more professional I guess in college and use the name "Jennifer."  Now only close family and friends use "Jenny."  Everyone else still calls me "Jen(n)."  I guess people use nicknames because they think the full name is formal.  Personally, I don't care.  I'm well aware they are not my mother or yelling at me about something.  *sigh*  Just wish people would stick to "Jennifer."

  2. A misguided notion of friendliness is one reason, as others have already pointed out.  But for some people, including, I suspect, President Bush, it's a way of asserting power and control.

  3. Maybe they find it easier to use.....if you don't like it just remind them each time they use it that you'd prefer your proper name not the shortened name.

  4. If it were me and I were to introduce myself to someone I would say something like, "Hello.  My name is Ronald, which is what I prefer to be called, if you don't mind."  I would say it with a smile but in such a way that the other person knew I was serious.  It's not rude to do that, and people would appreciate someone who's up front about that.  I would move on to other pleasantries immediately.

  5. People just like to use nicknames to sound friendlier, and frankly, people are lazy! If your name is Victoria, it's WAY easier to say "Vic" or something. If I were you, I wouldn't even bother correcting them because it would just get awkward. Just realize that some people are going to do that and get used to it.

    Sorry Bill. :(

  6. I think it's a dumb guy's way of trying to be friendly:  Bush does this, if that gives you any idea!  Just say "I don't go by Cat, I go by Catherine", or "Actually I LIKE my full name, please call me Catherine".  But you're right--it's not cute, it's not friendly, it's presumptuous and condescending and offensive!

  7. Possibly a sign of friendship , or a way to remember you .

  8. some people are just lazy..if you dont like it do this, say your name is michael and if someone starts calling you mike just dont answer act like you dont know they were talking to you and then when they say hey i was talking to you mike say ooo i didnt know you were refering to me because everyone calls me michael i dont usually answer to mike and smile

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