
Why do people take offense when a person calls Obama a Marxist?

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If you read the Communist Manifesto, and listen/read to what Obama has to say, a lot of his "changes" are pure Marxism.




  1. I guess because they think that since his name is Barack and not Mark they find it offensive. But that is only because they do not know anything.  

  2. Marxist was a freaking communist dooooooha

  3. If it was purely a personality thing, I would vote for Obama. But what you are saying is exactly why I am a republican. I like the idea of change but I don't trust Obama to be the man to lead it. He's tooooooo far left. If the Dems had put up someone more moderate, he would have had a chance to win me over. But no, they thought after Bush, they would win no matter who they ran. Its just no so.  

  4. You mean governmental interference in a free market - like the airline bail out, or Freddie Mac, or the banking bill and housing bills passed by Bush. Unless you're pure libertarian (which is suicidal), some of your ideas will be socialist.

  5. Do you take offense if people call your parents names or refer to your girlfriend in a negative tone...they bought into the guy....

  6. No, they aren't.  

  7. Some of his ideas are Marxist. That doesn't make him a Marxist. You can't be a Marxist unless you buy the whole thing and Obama's not advocating a dictatorship of the proletariat.

  8. I have read the communist manifesto. if YOU read it you"d know theres no correlation between Marxist theory's and Obamas policy's. nice try...

  9. Why do Republicans take offense when we type


  10.   Better go back and read again - Marx' writings are full of so many errors that it is surprising that anyone took them seriously and to the extent they formed the foundation of Communism (which is why people take offense) they are the foundation for failure.

  11. They take offense because B Hussein is no marxist... he's a pure socialist-take from those "evil" rich and subsequently, make EVERYONE poor... :) not to mention use our money to provide inadequate at best health "care"... tax us to death then tax us for dying....

    ***and I think to myself, what a wonderful world...

    Add: Carl, we don't get offended by it in the least. It's more trying on my nerves since the anti Mccain crowd keeps regurgitating the SAME OLD c**p day after day with no creativity or substance behind any of it... at least come up with something offensive and creative before making those obnoxious signs...

  12. Marxism has a lot of good ideas.  It's just that the whole package doesn't work.  The fact that Obama espouses some of them doesn't mean that he's a Marxist.  Hitler espouses vegetarianism.  That doesn't mean that if you're a vegetarian, you're a n**i.  People who call Obama a Marxist are not engaging in intelligent discourse, they are name-calling.  That's why his supporters take offense.

  13. Maybe because they support Obama? think about it before you ask?

  14. they are probably mesmerized by Obama's speeches 1 he's a good speaker 2 he has the advantage of being a minority( some people are in love with that idea,) then again most people who support Obama either don't know what marxism is or don't understand Karl Marx and his ideas that gave rise to socialism and comunism and their fall into disaster,or they don't listen to the republucan party about the real reason for the resission, and that the Republican party is smaller then the Demacratic party which means they hold all the chips

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