
Why do people talk about each other?

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I really hate that and especially when they try and get me in on whoever they are talking about, I'll often just keep silent but I do hate hearing how people can be so twisted.

What do you think?





  1. Because they are insecure about themselves so it makes them feel better to put someone else down. Often times they are jealous.

  2. I do it if I'm really annoyed about someone but am unable to go directly to the person. I usually try to find some solace from someone that can relate. It's venting for me. I'm honest and direct for the most part but sometimes you have to hold back.

    I do know what you mean and I avoid gossip and that kind of thing. I'm not going to speak meanly about someone unless they are really bothering me or just being really stupid. Does anyone work only with smart people? I'm not intentionally malicious or doing it to make myself feel better. No one is perfect.

    If someone is just doing it to be mean or try to get power over someone else then that person is a loser that needs to get a life. There is plenty of better things to do.

  3. I think people love talking about others because it makes them feel better about themselves.....and also because people can't stop themselves gossiping, well most people anyway lol.

    I wish people wouldn't be so judgemental though....what's that saying? 'Don't look at the spec in my eye and forget the plank in your own eye'.   I think it goes something like that anyway :)

    None of us have the right to be judge and jury over another....only God has that right.

    Peace and lights my friend


  4. Well, those people are cowards. They don't have the gahonas to tell it to the person's face.

  5. They never grow up, I cannot stand it also, if they have something too say then say it in front of the person that they are talking about so at least the other can defend themselves.!!!

  6. They dont care about others.When something like this happens to me,I walk away

  7. i hate it so much it disgust me

    especially when people say I'm not jealous of the person and I don't like them, if you don't like them then why do you talk about them. I never talk about the people that i don't like if i did that would just show that I'm jealous of them, and not only that its rude to do. If your going to talk about someone say something respectful, just like that old saying if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

    i know exactly where your coming from.

  8. Cause that are to scared to go to the person that they are talking about and say it to their face.

  9. People have been doing it since the beginning of time.

  10. I know what you mean, it's a womanly thing. If something irritates you people like to talk about it to friends to get it off their chest. It get awkward in large friendship groups in high school, because their are always personalities that clash, and some of these people cant stop slagging each other off.

  11. I agree.

    Being a teenage girl, however, makes it hard to avoid these situations.

    I do try my best, but the minute someone starts bad mouthing a friend of mine, I walk away.

    The thing is, if you do get involved, the person who was bad mouthing in the first place would probably tell the person what you said about them!

    It can get really complicated and twisted.

    The next time someone trys to involve you in their b-tching, tell them straight out you don't want to hear it.

  12. you mean b*tch about each other?

    they do it to try and make them look better in perspective, but all it ends up doing is making themselves look like a slag.

  13. Yes I hate it too..especially when their talking about someone you really care about and the only thing she/he ever talks about is the same people over and over..and than they try to get on your good side because they don't want you to find out what he/she said about you.

    I have friend whose like that and shes a two faced..she hangs out me and shes all cool and all and being all nice and than the next day shes a hypocrite and talks bad about you and its not the first time she does that and you try too let it go because who cares if shes talking bad about you because she has nothing better to do then cause problems. And finally i find out that she said something really bad and i couldn't take it anymore and i was at work at the time..i told her off and if she ever opens her mouth about me..shes going to regret it.

  14. They are usually insecure about themselves so they bring other people down

  15. I've learned that it's usually out of jealousy. Something that the person their talking about has something they want and they more than likely will never have. Or just a fact of not agreeing with that person's personaly opinions, you find that A LOT on here in the form of thumb downs. But you learn to ignore it be grateful you have a life and don't have to waist time obsessing about things and talking about people just to make yourself feel better when in reality you only make yourself look like ****. = ]

  16. They have no life of their own usually...

  17. very high school stuff...some do not outgrow it.

  18. cos they"re just gossip monger"s wrighty and get some sort of sick kick out of doing it, i never get involved then i can"t be accused of saying thing"s as well..

  19. Only talk about people with thing you would be happy to say to their face. Otherwise it's two-faced and stupid. People get in loads of trouble for talking about people to people who tell them everything. Just talk about other with people you trust - and don;t say anything inappropriate and this is fine in my opinion.  

  20. It makes them feel better about themselves to know that people's life are just as "crappy" as theirs, or alternatively the person might be a complete **** and, it makes them feel good to ***** and moan about them. It's just to make them feel better really, or to get something of their chest.

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