
Why do people tell me its weird that my old teacher says he thinks of me alot and talks about me to one of my?

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other teachers. dont all teachers do that




  1. As a teacher, I do revert back to my previous students to use as examples. Whether they were great students, my I-don't-care-student, or struggling readers try to use them examples so that students know that they are not the only ones, whatever the case may be.

  2. More info please. How old are you and what grade does this teacher teach? And please finish the question, "talks about me to one of my..."? This may be inappropriate behavior, or he may be just using you as a good example. Please explain the situation a little more. Inappropriate teachers really are few and far between, and good teachers can be the subject of very damaging false accusations. Thank you.

  3. no. and don't put yourself in  a position where you are alone with this teacher.

  4. talks about me to...?

  5. Again, people like Marie seem to think that just because a teacher has a fondness for a student, it MUST be sexual in nature.  Newsflash, kids.  Teachers teach because they love children.  Sometimes teachers will meet kids that touch their heart, remind them of their own children, are perfect students, whatever.  I'm sure you fall into that categorie.  If your old teacher is talking to OTHER teachers about you, it's most definately because he feels fondly of you AS A STUDENT.

  6. I agree with most of the others that it is more likely that this teacher had good intentions than bad, but we don't really have enough information to know for sure.  Maybe you were an especially good student (my colleagues and I talk about former students regularly), or maybe you were an at-risk student and he is just hoping that you would end up going in the right, rather than the wrong, direction.

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