
Why do people that DON'T smoke or drink think that they are so much better?

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Not all of them but they seem like they should be praised for doing it , and look down on ones that do . I mean You're not any better .

You can say whatever , give a lecture ..its free speech ..I don't mind




  1. I don't think people that refuse to smoke or drink think they are better then everyone, but a few might gloat a little if they have just quit.

    Smoking or Drinking is easy to start doing and get addicted to, and its really not a good thing, so those who don't do it should feel some pride, but I agree that some are a little too over the top.

  2. I am sorry to say this, but my mom smokes and drinks, and she is not sober much of the time. So in other words, she doesn't get much respect from higher authority figures that herself. She has a good job, but once she missed a whole week of work, from being drunk, and smoking. She used to be young and beautiful, now she suffers from being tired quite a lot, and many wrinkles. I am not saying she isn't beautiful anymore, but she isn't as much as she used to be.

    So in conclusion,  I would think that people that smoke or drink wouldn't get as much respect because they might have a bad reputation.  I am not making accusations. But, I think that people should stop this because, smoking can cause bad breath, yellow teeth, hairy tongues, and eventually lead to death. And drinking of course, can lead to drunkenness, and death as well. One of my friend's coach's daughter choked on her own vomit in her sleep, and she died in her sleep. Not to scare you or anything. But, drinking and smoking is a bad idea. Go ahead and send me, what you think back, but I will NOT take it to heart. Thanks, Kiana.

  3. l believe  people should be praised for neither smoking or drinking.

    But no one should be looked down upon or is an individuals choice.l can understand from a families point of view..but other than this it is of on one elses concern.

  4. Because drunk people are annoying

  5. I did drugs and drank for a long time and most of the stupid krap I did was the end result of it so when I tell people its better to learn to be sober I tell them not because I want say they are a bad person or anything but because I hope they never do some of the things I have done.  I still smoke though so I may not count.

  6. I give up.

    It just is a Holier than thou thing.

    "I'm better than you because I eat free range tofu and turn off the the ac in my suv."

    They aren't better than us fellow drinker and smoker, they just like to think that.

    We junkies do not need to be categorized.

    It just is another form of bias for the pc crowd.

    I can't look down on Black people?

    Who can I feel superior to?


    That's it!

    I can make fun all I want and feel superior to someone!

    Hey, if that makes them feel better about themselves, they need it.

  7. well i'm sure your grandpa will drop dead tomorrow.

  8. Yep the first answerer hit the nail on the head.

    Smoking and drinking shows you have no self respect and don't care if you die 30 years earlier than you should. And we have self control and don't get addicted to c**p like that.

  9. I don't smoke, I do drink sometimes and I don't care what other people do with their bodies. If some people think that to be a 'better' person means having less bad habits, I feel bad for them. I don't judge people and don't tell anybody what to do and how to live.  

  10. I see your point.  Non-smokers are NOT better than smokers.  Nobody is a better person than another based on whether or not they smoke!

    However, non-smokers are, by enlarge, in "better" health with regards to respiratory ailments and smoking-related diseases!

    The Surgeon General released a list of diseases "proven" to be smoking related to include:  acute myeloid leukemia and cancers of the cervix, kidney, pancreas and stomach; abdominal aortic aneurysm, cataracts, periodontitis and pneumonia; not to mention the obvious (i.e. lung cancer, and emphysema).

    But, i suppose you are annoyed & irritated with the "anti-smoking" lecturers and Bible-thumping ex-smokers that constantly berate smokers JUST because the smokers choose to smoke.

    I'm an EX-smoker, and like you, I ALSO become very annoyed at the "holier-than-thou" speeches and overall condemnation of smolers, by these types of people.  So, I feel your pain!

    While I agree with the non-smokers as to the benefits of not smoking, I don't agree with many of their "recruiting" tactics!  But in the long run, I believe "not" smoking reduces the risk of the above mentioned diseases!

  11. I wouldn't use the word BETTER. I would say in my opinion, that the people who don't smoke or drink are SMARTER. They have better judgement. Come on now girl, don't you watch those videos in health class?

  12. because they're ignorant and like to lecture.  obviously for people who smoke and drink they know the affects and what it can cause.  people who look down on others should take a real good ****** look at themseleves before they judge.

  13. because they are, especially when they live longer than you

  14. Not always coz even if you don't smoke but if you inhale second-hand smoke, that's worse than being a smoker. Btw, I'm a smoker too.

    As for drink, its part of our social life. We just have to do it in moderation.

    As for me, I don't care what other people say about me. I'm just being myself. I smoke & drink if i want to.  Even if I don't smoke, if its my TIME TO DIE then that's it.

  15. And lonely for the others who died younger.

    Neither activity is all that healthy, smoking any way and alcohol in excess (in moderation, especially with meals, it seems to help.)

      The problem is that while you can point to someone who is alive after a lot of years, it isn't possible to assemble those whe represent to counter arguement - because they are dead.

  16. Because they have I have a life for not smoking instead I AM SPENDING MY MONEY ON THINGS I NEED AND like milk and food

    When you smoke you are always broke you do not need to spend 6 dollars on c**p you dont need when you can buy  2 gallons of gas for that price My dad used to smoke and it was really bad for him and we were always broke and could not do anything because of  the ciggeritte money Then when I turned 12 I aked him to stop because IT was  not good for him and he couldnt then I asked him again and again now he is going on his 3rd year of not smoking and I am really proud of my daddy

  17. Well those kinds of people need to think that they're better than some one for something, and the best they can do is for something mediocre.  

  18. Not everyone who smokes , smokes drugs or does drugs. Not everyone who drinks is a drunk or has DUI's. And apparently those who like to act superior and force their opinions on others have forgotten we have the right to do so if we desire. If you don't like what we do. You have the right to leave us to our own devices.  

  19. I actually don't do either but I couldn't care less what one does.  People can sniff ivory dust for all I care... who needs Elephants anyway?  It's just human nature dudette- whether it's those that believe in God feeling they are better, atheists who feel they are superior... it's just the way it can go.  People will often think they are right and that arrogance comes out in their beliefs.  Just pay in no mind.

  20. they are better thay are smarter and will live happy healthy and long

  21. maybe not better but just smarter

  22. Because those who smoke usually do illegal substances? Because those who drink usually get drunk and always have atleast one DUI from it.

  23. cause we ARE!! we know self restraint. :)

  24. They are better.  You are prejudiced because you smoke/drink.  They shouldn't be praised or anything.  But the truth is if you don't smoke or drink you live longer.

  25. Because we are, we care about our bodies and you don't, that's why were better. No but really smoking is the nastiest thing, why would you want to smoke, your breath stinks, your teeth are yellow and nasty, everything you own smells like smoke, need I go on, drinking on the other hand is okay as long as it is only sometimes. I dont do either on its a bad habit to start.

  26. why do people like you who smoke and drink even care what others think?  

  27. I dont smoke or drink but i dont think im better. I might be healthier but that doesnt mean im better. Maybe some people get mad at a realative who smokes because their really afraid of losing them to lung cancer.  

  28. People who don't smoke aren't willingly poisoning their bodies, and have the willpower and desire not to. So yes, they are better people, in a way.

    Drinking is a different story. Moderate amounts of red wine and Guinness (believe it or not) improve cardiac health and function. So perhaps those who drink moderately have an edge over those who don't.

  29. Some people find drinking and smoking disgusting habits, and when they see people doing those things, they want to be above that stuff. Some people think they're better no matter what. I'ts just the way they are.

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