
Why do people that JFK was killed by only one sniper ?

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The wounds on his body suggest there were more than one , why cant people accept that




  1. Because there has never been any evidence to show more than one gunman.  It was investigated by the Dallas Police department, the FBI, a presidential committee and twice in the Senate.

    I agree, the circumstances are almost as complex as they are emotional in this case. But until there is positive proof, there is no reason to think more than one person was involved.

  2. Lee Harvey Oswald was (allegedly) shooting from the behind the motorcade. But the Zapruder Film shows that Jackie climbed onto the back of the car to retrieve the back of JFK's skull. If you were shooting someone from behind, the FRONT of their head would explode forwards, not the back! The only way the back of his head could have shot off behind them is if he was shot from in front. Lee Harvey Oswald was a terrible shot-so not only are people giving him the credit for being able to shoot a moving target from that far away, but we're also saying he shot from both behind and in front!! I can't believe people still think the Lee Harvey Oswald did it (or, if he did, that he acted alone)! The Magic Bullet Theory is also so completely ridiculous that this should convince everyone that it was not possible for Oswald to be the lone gunman. Today we set so much in store by examining ballistics evidence in solving murders that I can't believe people don't look at it here and continure to believe that Oswald was the shooter! It annoys me so much.

  3. ~Obviously, Rin, you don't hunt.  Jack's brains flying onto the trunk are consistent with a shot from the rear.  So were the ballistics of the event, poorly done as they were.  Countless tests have proven that a single trained marksman, such as Oswald was, could have gotten all the shots off and on target - especially if you use the actual time involved (it is understated in the folklore accounts).  The so-called "magic" bullet actually obeyed all known laws of physics if you line the bodies up in accordance with their actual positions as established by  the film and trace the shot back to Oswald's sniper's roost.  

    The question isn't whether or not Oswald fired the shots by himself.  That is possible, whether or not it is probable.  Nothing indicates a shot came from the front (even if back-up shooters were in position in case Oswald missed).  The real question is whether or not he acted alone.  Bobby, according to his closest aids and friends, went to his grave believing that the Joints Chiefs, the CIA, the Cuban exiles and the Mafia - or some combination of all or some of them - had a hand in it.  The evidence certainly supports that possibility, and each group had more than ample motive and each group certainly had the wherewithal.  

    So did many others.  Jack Kennedy was not the beloved president that the mythology and his martyrdom have made him. He was a corrupt, power hungry, drug addicted, womanizing incompetent whose only real claim to fame was getting shot.   He was in Dallas in the first place to drum up support for the '64 election because he knew he had a better than even chance of losing, no matter who the Republicans ran against him.  

    Hold the thumbs down until you read about the true JFK, from how his daddy had to buy him his commission in the Navy, to the women he shared with his brother and his mob buddies, to the acid his was dropping during his tenure in the White House, to his lies about little things like his terminal disease, his drug addictions, about his constant companion Max "Dr. Feelgood" Jacobs, about the illegal wiretaps he

    sanctioned, especially on Martin Luther King and other Civil Rights Leaders, about the coups and assassinations he authorized - including the attempt on Qassim in Iraq, wherein Saddam Hussein was one of the hand-picked members of the six man hit squad and for his participation, Saddam got his turn at the helm in Iraq, about the elections his mob buddies stole for him in the West Virginia primary, absolutely crucial to his nomination, and in Illinois, which gave him the election and about countless other  things that space precludes me from mentioning - and all that comes from government records and from his friends.  His detractors had worse things to say, but they were biased.

    The Warren Report is full of problems and unanswered questions.  If Ruby was hired to take out Oswald to insure Oswald didn't talk and to guarantee there would be no trial, and if Ruby knew he was dying of cancer when he did the deed, you've got to give real credit to the planners.  CIA had already taken part in the assassinations of at least 10 heads of state in the decade before Kennedy was hit (including the hit on Ngo Dinh Diem just 20 days before Dallas), so they knew how to get the job done.  They certainly had made it clear that they wanted him gone, as had the Joint Chiefs.  He was, after all, one of our most inept and corrupt presidents if you bother to look into the real record (and don't give me that  Cuban Missile Crisis c**p - he caused that one and Khrushchev resolved it, contrary to the unbelievably ludicrous legend and mythology of the event).  LBJ's ego and hatred of the Kennedy clan would have made him a possible willing participant, too, which would have helped immensely in the "investigation".

    Lot's of luck getting to the truth.  Even when all of the records are declassified, some of them will be missing.  The ones available now prove that the investigation was amateurish at best, or deliberately sabotaged.  Not that our government would lie to us.

  4. Because the media controls the country and most of the population believes what they robots.

  5. Because there has never been any evidence to suggest that he was killed by more than one sniper.  If you have some evidence beyond rumor and speculation please share it.

  6. It happened too long ago to even worry about anymore.  I always thought that LBJ had something to do with it because JFK was trying to negotiate getting our troops out of Vietnam.  It doesn't matter now, what's done is done.  

  7. I don't think its a matter of them not accepting it , I think that many are aware that the multiple wounds point to the possibility of a others being involved . I think  most people are aware that now,if it at the time of the assasination these facts were not presented or investigated properly then they never will be .

  8. All the PHYSICAL evidence indicates this, there have been two government studies done, with same result, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe Warren Commission Report  to be accurate.

  9. You have got to be kidding me. This has been investigated for 40 plus years and your wild eyed assertions have been debunked for over 40 years. Lee Harvey Oswald did it SOLO!  

  10. Ask the FBI, they know. This has been one of the questions sense the incident happened.

    Some think Oswald acted alone. Some think the CIA did it too.

  11. Someone went down for it. Closed case. Too many mafia relations to question and investigate.  

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