
Why do people think Allen Iverson too old to win a championship?? ?

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the guy is only freakin 33 years old.. since when is 33 too old? thats just retarded.. didnt Jordan win a championship at 35? I dont want to hear all that BS that AI is too old to win one because unless you've been under a rock the past few years, The Answer has shown no signs of slowing down. The question isn't whether he's "too old" to win one but which team he should go to win one. The Nuggets are terrible and I personally think Allen should either go back to Philly or move to Charlotte




  1. I believe he can still win a championship, but not with the Nuggets.  

  2. cuz chris paul is better

  3. He should join the Lakers. They will win a ring with him, period.

  4. umm hes not too old... its just that his team sucks in defense.... and they lost their best defender in camby... now their defense will suck 5 times more... defense wins championships and thats why pistons won in 04, spurs 05, spurs 07, celtics 08...... nuggets want him to play pg but hes at his best when hes scoring... and nuggets have no good pg so they use him... put him on a team with a decent big man and a good pg and put him at sg and then ull see what hes capable of...

  5. i ain't never said that, i have BIG FAITH IN MY MAN ALLEN IVERSON THAT HE WILL GET A RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Peaches" you are one dumb girl, what the h**l signs are he showing of slowing down, he was top scorer, assists, minutes played, etc. on his team not talking about where he ranked amoung all players which he did really good!!!!!!! so get with the program!!!!

  6. well hes not gonna win one in denver and the likelyness of him goin to a team tht can win instantly (lakers,celtics,spurs) r very slim, i think if he goes to another team itll take a couple yrs to get great and i think iverson will retire be4 tht happens

  7. Uhh,because they were swept in the first round?

    Hey IV3RSON,you said all those stats about Iverson.But did you see the "was" in your sentence?

    Yes,Jordan won a ring at the end of 35,but is Iverson the player Jordan was?

  8. A.I is my hero... Anybody that thinks he can't win a championship is stupid. I don't think you can ever be too old to win a championship. Look at the celtics (PJ Brown + Sam Cassel) A.I could win a championship with the Nuggets. Probably not this year but if he stays with them and they get some good draft picks and make the right movements.... Then yes Allen Iverson would be able to win a championship with them. But that's just what i hope.

    I guess we just have to wait and see

  9. hes 33 and he was 3rd scoring title this year he will be a free agent so i doubt he will stay in  denver unless him and melo learn some chemistry together allen iverson the only active player with 4 scoring titles people who say he is not a team player are wrong he is still one of the best!

  10. people got to face he isnt the player that jordan was.  He does have 1 player in his supporting cast with Carmelo, but nothing else.  Maybe someone will pick him up ala Celtic type deal where he doeenst have to be the man every night

  11. Ai should get a mid level exception when hes a fa. He should sign with the hornets. They have the best floor leader. I dont think the spurs r a good fit for ai because of there offensive style. Hornets with ai and paul with the great cast will be the best team in the nba

    AI is still fast and a big offensive threat

  12. Lack of knowledge: His age has NOTHING to do with him winning a championship, his last two seasons have arguably been the best of his career, FG% is up, and assist are up....Now-a-days people automatically think you are old if your over 30 years old...I think you are old when you start playing old, but A.I. is still playing just as well as he was 5 years ago.

  13. they wouldn't think that if A.I. was not showing signs of age

    but the truth is he is starting to slow down, his prime years are behind him, i doubt he can win another championship  

  14. he is not old have you seen plays of the year have of them are AI plays!!!!!!!!!!

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