
Why do people think Bill Clintoln was a bad president. ?

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I know he got his freak on and lied to America about it but economical we were very strong. We mostly stayed out of war but Rwanda was a bit of a problem. But besides those I thought he was pretty good. Or I guess some of my republican friends say he was bad maybe they are ignorant.




  1. Bill Clinton was the best President I can recall.  When he left office we had a surplus.  Now we have a huge deficit, just like when the other Bush was in office.  McCain wants to continue the same type of government.

  2. Maybe it's because...he was.

  3. I agree he was a bad husband but a good our gas is through the roof and we are in a recession...thank you george bush!

  4. he was impeached?

  5. For the reasons you mentioned plus the fact that he stole from Social Security to shore up his national debt(and no, that's not what it is for).

  6. They don't think that, it is what one hears from disgruntled right wing neo-con conservatives and Republican nut jobs. They simply will not acknowledge that his presidency was successful. All they want to talk about is Monica Lewinsky. They don't want to talk about Itan-Contra when it comes to Regan and Bush1. Did you know Bush 1 pardoned himself before he left office just in-case anyone one caught on what a crook he was? Most people don't know that. It is a fact.

  7. You must have been in elementary school when he was elected.  


  8. nicknames:

    Bill (William Jefferson) Clinton (name at birth: William Jefferson Blythe III)

    Bill[17] Generally went by his first name during his time in office and was only formally called 'William J. Clinton' or 'William Jefferson Clinton'.

    The First Black President[18] Coined by Chris Rock,[citation needed] later used by Toni Morrison, in reference to Clinton's noted support from and rapport with African Americans.

    The Comeback Kid[19] Coined by press after strong second place showing in 1992 New Hampshire primary, following polling slump due to Gennifer Flowers' revelation.

    Slick Willie[20] Coined by Paul Greenberg, Editorial page editor, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, in 1980 in his return to govern Arkansas.

    Teflon Bill[21] Similar to "Teflon Ron" for Ronald Reagan: because none of the scandals afflicting his administration seemed to stick to him personally.

    Bubba[22][23] Nickname that suggests association with the Southern United States.

    Klinton[24] A name used by Clinton detractors from all sides of the political spectrum to evoke German orthography, therefore painting Clinton as a n**i.

    Clitton[25] A name coined in reference to Clinton's sexual allegations as president.

    Count Taxula[26]: Nickname given by Rush Limbaugh.

  9. All the scandals that dogged his years in the White House

  10. It wasn't because of Bill Clinton the economy was strong.  People forget or don't realize that what differences the President makes do not happen over night.  Billy was riding on the shirt tail of the changes that President Bush made before him.  

    Plus how can we trust someone who lies to America.

    Just like Obama is doing now.  He says he did not vote to let babies die who survive abortions, but he did.  

  11. This sounds like a statement, not a question.

    Be one Dem. or Rep. there are many reasons Bill Clinton, as well as

    other presidents have been criticized, When people want to see the

    whole picture, they will cease to be die hards, and as for ignorance,

    there is enough of that going on in the human race, all the way round.

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