
Why do people think I'm weird because I ask for milk at restaurants and bars.?

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I'm 26, and I drink at least a gallon of milk everyday. I usually have a big glass of chocolate milk for breakfast along with a bowl of cereal. During the day, I'm always snaking yogourt, and sometimes bowls of cereal. I drink milk at noon, and some people think it's weird. I eat many cheese sandwiches made from real cheese that I buy from the Amish on the road.

I usually start drinking a lot of chocolate milk as soon as it gets dark, and I usually have cereal for dinner.

When I go out to have dinner with friends, I'll usually ask for a glass of milk to drink along with my food.

But sometimes I get attitude from the waiters, telling me they just don't have milk. The other day I had this argument with the waitress at Applebee's because she refused to bring me milk. I tell her I know they have milk because they have shakes, and I've been served milk before.

I don't drink alcohol, what else can I order? Why do people think it's weird asking for milk at a restaurant or at a bar?




  1. Some people are just idiots and you'll never be able to fix that. When all else fails drink water.

  2. Well, honestly, I have no clue about why restaurants act the way they do.  But, I myself drink a lot of chocolate milk, mostly straight out of the container because I still cannot figure out how I can hold a gallon of milk down without getting sick, so there was no need for a glass.  I guess that people don't understand the concept that people just want something different than the norm.

  3. Some people just dont understand. You loved milk ever since your mama's breast that where your love of milk started? Everyones right,you are weird!!

  4. Your not weird, you like what you like, and hey its a lot better for you then soda. If you want try a bit of Kahlua in your milk at the bar, its pretty good.

  5. I would look at it on a greater scale. America is a society that has the most obese overweight people ever. We aren't very healthy when it comes to dieting. The accepted drink of choice is soda b/c sugary drinks are pushed on us by big business which runs restaurants. On the lesser scale don't get snotty with a waitress, they have a tricky job, people can get really picky. Generally when people ask for milk, I don't even know where to find it and asking about a thousand people in the kitchen for it gets annoying, just stop at a gas station along the way if you know the restaurant doesn't have it. As for the bar part...I dunno the general purpose of going to a bar is to drink booze right? If you want to look like you are drinking alcohol without any weird questions, slide up to the bar tender and ask for a sprite and cranberry mocktail or an orange juice. They pass off as vodka and cranberry or a screwdriver...or you can tell people to s***w off, it's your health right?

  6. One of my best friends orders milk everytime we go out to eat with her food too.  There is nothing weird about it.  Milk is a drink just like soda, tea, or lemonade.  And  yes, Applebees does have milk..she gets it there all the time.  

    Good for you being healthy....I wish I could do the same!

  7. i don't know, i drink lots of it as well

  8. i love milk too. i wouldnt say i drink a gallon but i drink almost 1/2 a day.  i dont know why they wouldnt want to serve you milk. its not like you ordered a milkshake and they dont feel like making it. next time get a manager over and tell them what your waitress said, maybe they will stop lying to you

  9. Applebees has milk...if you're getting attitude from a waitress, then call the manager over.

    Nuthin' wrong with having milk...people just are morons if somebody doesn't do the same as everybody drink sugary colas or some other crappy drink.

    As an alternative when you're in a bar, you can order water or unsweetened ice tea or coffee...that's what I do sometimes.

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