
Why do people think Obama is Arab or Islamic?

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I don't know where this is coming from. It sounds like some people are exploiting his name and drumming up artificial fear.




  1. the republicans just want to scare people.

    and his father was atheist.

  2. i think it's because

    Obama has a similar sound to it when you say Osama (bin Laden).

    Osama and Obama are two different people and so i think people just associate Arab with Obama's name.

  3. His father and grandfather were Muslims. His father eventually became an Atheist. So they may not know that he switched belief systems to Christianity.

    Edit: About the Indonesian Enrollment thing, here's a credible site. Snopes is one of the most credible sites in the world, in my opinion: - He was enrolled in a Wahabist. radical Islamic school.

  4. Mostly it's racism...

  5. That's the information listed on his Indonesian school enrollment form.


    Update -  Here's a link (below) to the photo of his Catholic school registration in Indonesia as filed by Obama's step-father.  It states that "Barry Soetoro" (name Obama went by when his mother was married to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian oil trader) is a member of Islam and a citizen of Indonesia.  Although the source of the picture was the Associated Press (AP), the photo and story have been scrubbed from their website.

    Even if he is/was a Muslim and/or an Indonesian citizen doesn't prevent him from being president. There are so many other reasons to not vote for him...

  6. Republicans tried scaring people because Obama was black, when that didn't work out, they tried muslim, christian, and g*y (all of which contradict each other.)

    One of the most amusing things I see on the internet is when people post their own links to contradict what they themselves say.

    AM (with the gibberish around his name) posted this link:

    "SDN Menteng 1 is a western style, public primary school that is open to people of all faiths"

    "Moreover, he studied earlier at Fansiskus Assisi, which is clearly a Catholic school."

    SDN Menteng 1 is later described as an "elite, secular, western, early preparatory school"

    You see, AM's brain is tiny and unable to comprehend the simplest of concepts.

  7. Because Republicans are spreading these rumors. That he's not even black, but arab.

    Lying is the only way they can win. They sure as h**l can't run on their record.

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