
Why do people think Rachel is fake? BB9?

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Why do people think Rachel is fake? BB9?




  1. Because she's so boring! Surely no one is that boring in real life...

  2. I think that it is because they feel that she stands a good chance of winning so see her as a threat.

    Lots of people tend to belittle people that they see as a threat. Its a sorry sad way to be, and i personally think that she is the most genuine person there.

    Good luck to her, and i hope people start to boy-cot Rex's restaurants.

  3. I think she did sort of act up in her audition tape but then most do and I don't really see much wrong with that.I think she is a nice girl and with people saying she is fake she 'tries' even harder to prove them wrong so she will be extra happy either to not let the bad comments get her down or to show who she really is.

  4. because most people are out for what they can get from others, and they aren't used to genuine people anymore.

  5. Lisa started this rumour because she was very jealous of her and Mario friendship...Rachel is very very nice.

  6. nah just quiet in the house not fake lol

  7. Shes Not FAKE ! im not one of her fans but i do think shes really nice and shes not acting!  people are scared of her cos she might win  

  8. because people are very suspicious of people who are actually nice because there aren't many  genuinely nice people around these days!

  9. I like her. I think people that are faking it themselves will always doubt the genuine. Rex got at her for not being outspoken but whenever she had her say he knocked her down for it.

    Whats a girl supposed to do.

  10. because people find it hard to believe there are still nice people in this world.  

    whats wrong with being nice?

  11. People think she's fake because she's really nice to everyone and these days there aren't very many nice people around at all - everyone's after money or only do things that'll benefit them and Rachel isn't like that so people start to dislike her. I'm not a fan of Rachel's because i dont think she's very entertaining to watch on TV but I think she's a nice girl and would make a really nice friend.

  12. I think I said bald...not fake  

  13. Pots always call Kettles black ,they are like it so they think she is ,And people on here are taken in by the likes of Lisa and Mikey ,who are trying to plant that in everybodys minds ,Shes a nice girl even though I have heard Mikey and Lisa disscussing her She keeps a seeing eye for Mikey ,She wants to be everybodys friend ,and cant understand why she is disliked ,Rex decided to bring her down ,My friend reckons hes jealous of her ,Trouble is Bullys can take the shine out of people  

  14. I think people expect her to be cause she is so nice


    I think she is a genuinely polite person , she obviously thinks about others more than herself as she proved when she was HOH

    I hope she wins , she has my vote


  15. I think she is so sweet and sugary, in this day and age, people don't believe a person like her can be genuine.  I am a bit unsure myself.

  16. Rex started all that c**p . i think she is being herself .

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