
Why do people think U.S. is losing its Superpower?

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I know the Economy is in bad shape, but that's the only area in whhich we are doing bad. Can someone please give two ways in which U.S. is losing its Superpower? Thnaks




  1. It is only the real Screen SUPERMAN that will not loose his super power, but at time just temporary too.

    Superpower needs to be fully generated by many elements, even nuclear to give top performances.  Therefore it is quite natural to loose power at the right time and not at the needed time.....JUST THINK!!!

    As you said, the financial power is going down and so are the influencing power and the people's caring power.   Oh!!!###.....     there are much more ordinary powers that are cripping up to be the coming Superpower  of tomorrow.   Watch out for it or them.

  2. they are all turning into obese slobs.

  3. U.S. actually is not losing its Superpower! Shortsighted ppl can state this only; The only threat is disagreements in US society;  

  4. Its a myth perpetrated by the European nations.  They have been envious of the US forever.  So they say because of the economy and the fact that the deficit is so high that we will never recover.  Also the supposed lack of support for the troops in the war.   It is very important for the majority of citizens to support the ideas of the governing president. Unfortunately at the present time , most Americans are responding negatively to anything coming out of Washington and this reflects badly and so the world responds with notions of the US losing its powers.   All things are cyclical and this too will turn around.

  5. It all started when Superman died.

  6. It's the pipe dream of every liberal to see the US destroyed and subjugated into a police state like the soviet union was with them in control. That's why they don't want us to go after terrorists because they were thrilled with 9/11 and would like to see more of it.  

  7. Just the economy - are you blind?

    Yes the huge national debt and sub prime debt coupled with the dollar being on the floor is bad but it is only a minor problem compared to the rest!

    Inside America we have the highest number of poor and destitute in the civilized world now being added to with the camps for those dispossessed of their homes!

    Racism is still rife in America with gangs and ghettos that the vast majority of other countries got rid of years ago.

    Seen from outside, rendition, tearing up the Geneva convention, endorsing and using torture, dictating to the world instead of leading, even this week America deliberately collapsed the world free trade talks.

    All this when America has started so many wars in just the time of George Bush and is actively looking at starting another one with Iran!!

    With trillions being spent on war there is no hope of reversing any of this.

    Pundits at first said China would become the super power by 2050 and then revised that to 2020.  Now they are even suggesting that America could slip to third place by then!!

    But the real reason has to be that America is so out of step with the rest of the world.

    A good example is the car industry for decades America has been trying to force the world to buy it's huge gas guzzling cars whilt the rest of the world only wanted to buy smaller cars that were cheaper to run and could actually navigate their narrower streets - end result the Japanese and European car makers are thriving whilst the American manufacturers are laying people off and shutting plants!!

  8. Mostly because the rest of the world is becoming less willing to play into the politics of fear that the U.S. has thrived on for the last 50 years.  

    Other factors include a poor system of public education, a lag in technological jobs and outsourcing by American corporations.

    The only real advantage that the U.S. can boast is it's natural resources.

  9. When you have borrowed hundreds of billions of dollars from China to help finance a war, and the U.S. Dollar used to be the most desired currency in the World and now some countries no longer want it.

  10. "...political and economic reality. America, America has become a second-rate power. Its trade deficit and its fiscal deficit are at nightmare proportions...

    Gordon Gekko: Address to Teldar Paper Stockholders

    "Wall Street" (1987)

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