
Why do people think a miracle-diet exists?

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I don't understand why people who are unhappy with their body size suspend all logical and rational thinking when looking at ways to lose weight. Obviously everyone wants an easy way out, and it is very tempting to try and find such a thing.

However, it should be clear that a change in lifestyle, i.e. a combination of eating slightly less (or a lot less, depending on how crazily overweight one is), doing more exercise, and a whole lot of willpower is the only effective way to lose, and keep off, excess weight.

Does anyone have any experience with feeling this way themselves, i.e. looking for and trying ridiculous diets and feeling downhearted when they do not work, yet really hate the idea of a proper weightloss regime?




  1. I think that people believe there is a miracle diet because there are so many companies advertising that sort of thing. Whether it be a pill, crazy diet, or fat eliminating cream, people don't realize that it is most likely a scam. Anything that boasts "Lose 50 pounds in one month without exercise!" has to be B.S.  

  2. You've never been overweight have you? It is one of those personal things that you have to experience to understand.  We live in a culture where overweight people are ridiculed, make fun of and discriminated against.

    When you have gotten overweight for whatever the reason, it is actually very difficulty to do exercise.  I have actually sat in the floor and cried while trying to do a workout. That's the main reason we look for a quick fix.  We sometimes feel like failures for allowing ourselves to gain in the first place.  I sincerely hope you don't have to experience any of the pain that comes from being overweight. I hope that you can stay healthy and in control, as you must be to even think of asking this question.

  3. It's fun to read things like

    "Can I chew gum and burn calories?"

    "Does cold water make you burn more calories?"

    Everyone's looking for a quick fix.  In our society, everything is instant and no one has the patience to wait a few minutes, much less months for changes to happen.  They see people who are beautiful and think it's easy and simple.  They pray for a quick solution that doesn't take much effort.

    It's just that everyone wants to find some easy way.  It's our world today.

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